Last night Paul and I went to dinner with our daughters. We were seated at a table for four near a large group of local folks. The four of us were conversing very happily amongst ourselves, discussing the week, the menu, the weekend. It was a nice break from the daily quickie dinners we've been having at home. (Mac had a prior engagement and couldn't join us.)
At any rate, the local group seemed to also be enjoying their time out. It appeared to be a family group of at least two generations (young children), if not actually three generations. Other than the general buzz of conversation, I really didn't pay that much attention to them.
That is until I overheard one of the men say something about Mexicans. I admit... I'm sensitive to this subject matter and I listened in. I really didn't have to try too hard because he was exceptionally loud about this subject. Well.. turns out he was telling a joke. His group started laughing, until one of the women noticed my face (I'm sure I must have looked flabbergasted), and suddenly there were a few furtive looks thrown our way and a general silence at their table.
I said nothing, I looked straight at them, and said nothing. In my head I was honestly hoping that my kids didn't hear that joke at all. It took me a moment to join back into the conversation going on at our table. Things seemed to be getting back on track until their food arrived. They all bowed their heads and prayed en masse!... Now.. please don't get me wrong... I have no problem with prayer.. goodness knows it's definitely part of my daily life. But I think I felt even MORE offended seeing them pray when it seemed that they didn't really live the Christian love of all men by the jokes they were eager to laugh at.
I may be too sensitive, I admit. But as we were leaving the restaurant, Kendra brought up the group and the joke. She was also very hurt and offended. And that's what really pisses me off... my children should not have to hear such things in public. Why can't racist people tell their stupid jokes at home instead of out in the world where they can be overheard? And worse yet, do they not even think about what they teach their children when they say such hateful things, even as a "joke"?