They've added all these additional emotions (moods) and I still can't find one that quite fits the way I think it should. Color me surprised and resigned.
So.. funny story. We bought an upright freezer late in April. I chose one at the PX that was "frost free". They delivered it a few days later, but not before one mix up (they broke the handle on the first one they were going to deliver, so had to reschedule the drop off). Anyway... it arrived and I began filling it up with frozen stuff. Paul was out of town when it arrived. He gets home a week later and makes a comment on how there is a little frost building up inside. I told him, well I imagine there might be a little frost... and we didn't think anymore about it.
Well... earlier last week.. I'm noticing there is a lot of frost in the freezer now and I start closing the door thinking "I don't think there should be that much frost"... and that's when I noticed that the "frost free" logo that was on the freezer we chose, was not on the freezer sitting in our kitchen! My goodness... I thought that was so funny!
Luckily, the store we bought it from was very co-operative. The freezer on the sales floor had the wrong inventory number on it and that is why they delivered the wrong one. last week they came out to trade freezers for us.
The night before I had to make all that frozen stuff in the big freezer fit into my little freezer (the one on the refrigerator). I managed.. but I had to toss out an old tub of ice cream to make room for all the un opened stuff. I suddenly realized that I just wasn't using my smaller freezer to its full potential. But then Paul commented that.. it may have all fit, but you really couldn't reach every thing easily. Good point.