Saturday, June 4, 2005


Mackenzie is having a few friends over tonight for a sleep-over.  I was in a very good mood when I agreed to this. This morning we got up and started cleaning.  The house gets a bit trashed between Monday morning and Friday evening.

Everything is finished now and I feel like I've been on a cleaning marathon.  I've done 7 loads of laundry (three still in the dryers) already today.  I think I'm done with laundry for the day.  All the public rooms look fantastic.  I still need to do my room, but for the moment I'm taking a breather. 

Today I'm also trying to focus more on a "liquid" diet.  I've been using the slim-fast shakes as my meals and eating fruit for snacks.

I have 5 window boxes of flowers outside.  Two of them are thriving and three are dying from neglect. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

  I have my own little cleaning marathon going on today as well. Life in family of six, soon turns the home into a zoo, but I'm determined to keep order in my zoo.  You take a breather! With a sleepover in the works, you are sure apt to need it.
 Good luck with the diet, but got a small quetion for ya... are you also taking a vitamin supplement, since slim fast may not have everything your body nutritionally needs?  
PS- Don't forget to water your flowers.