Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Christmas After Action Report

We handled Christmas a little different this year.  Since Kendra was leaving on Christmas day to spend part of her time in Co. Springs, we had our big meal on Christmas Eve.   It was nice.  Everything came out good and on time. Christmas morning we opened up our gifts.  Hands down, I'd say the best gift I received were a set of three angels that Kimberly and Kendra created for me.  Each angel  represents one of my little darlings.   They now reside in  my nest of lovely things.

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I think Kim's favorite gift was the quilt her Grandma Steele made her.  Judging from the happy dance she did upon realizing what she had opened, I think G.S. was truly plugged into "all things Kimmy." Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Paul hooked me up with some music in my kitchen.  He set up an under- the- cabinet radio/CD player and now I can dance around while I cook and clean.  I'm really enjoying that chance to add a little cardio in the time it takes me to cook up a meal.

We had to run like crazy people to get Kendra to the airport on time, but we managed.  The day was dreary, wet and rainy.  Thankfully there wasn't much traffic or people.  Her flight went off without a hitch and (presumably) she's enjoying herself there in Co.  Hopefully, she's being helpful around the place (she's staying with her aunt).

Kim and Mac created our gingerbread house this year.  It truly is masterful and here are a few shots for your perusal.

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Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas part deux

myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics     “Christmas gift suggestions:
To your enemy, forgiveness.
To an opponent, tolerance.
To a friend, your heart.
To a customer, service.
To all, charity.
To every child, a good example.
To yourself, respect.”

                                                                                 Oren Arnold



Merry Christmas


We're having our big dinner today.  Kendra flies out tomorrow to spend the week with her friends.  This is her big gift this year.   This is Mom's big effort to acknowledge that she's an "adult".   I am praying like crazy that all goes well. 

I've been thinking a lot about my approach to health and I think I'm going to be changing how I do business.   I'll be back tomorrow with details.


To everyone I wish you and your families a Very Merry Christmas.   

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Caroling through J-land

To participate: 

1) Make an entry titled "Caroling Through J-Land" with these same instructions so others can play along.

2) Visit as many journals as you can and look for their entry titled "Caroling Through J-Land". Leave the title of your favorite carol, along with your name and link to your journal for other carolers

3) Spread the word so we all can meet new friends and spread some Christmas cheer!

4) Caroling ends this Sunday night at midnight to give everyone plenty of time to make the rounds

Okay.. right away, I see that I did this at least partially wrong.. But .. for those of you that end up here. :)   My favorite Carol is "Angels We Have Heard On High".    I've been known to sing this in book stores as I browse the shelves.

I entered the caroling ring through Heather's blog :


Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Care Packages for Soldiers

Design Your Own Military Care PackageMy soldier is home with us again.  He arrived Sunday around noon.  We have kept him busy since he's been back, the poor dear. But I think he likes all the attention.

Sweets PleaseI found another site that offers us chances to send packages to the troops. Care Packages For Soldiers   Once you're actually on the site, it's kind of cool..  You can send care packages to college students as well as soldiers, etc. This site allows you to "support a troop" without actually knowing one, but it also allows you to "nominate" a troop, if you have a friend or family member deployed, you can include the mailing information and they could be drawn to receive a free goodie box from the owners of this website.


Saturday, December 16, 2006

Books for the Troops

Books-a-Million, one of my favorite bookstores, is providing a great service to all of us that would like to send books to soldiers. 

You don't even have to personally know a soldier to use this program.  Just go to BOOKSAMILLION.COM (BAMM.COM) - Features    and make your book selections. 

How do I purchase books for the soldiers?
Simply visit the
Books for Troops page where you will find a special assortment of popular, in-stock items at deep discounts.

Select the books that you would like to send and add the items to your shopping cart as usual. You may continue shopping for other merchandise and proceed to checkout when you are ready. On the final page of the checkout process, the Books for Troops items will be listed separately from any other merchandise so you'll clearly know which items are being shipped to the troops.

At least once each week, BOOKSAMILLION.COM will gather, address and ship the books purchased for the troops. It's as simple as that!

Thanks-a-million for supporting the U.S. troops!

More information can be found at the website. 

Follow up on previous entries

I thought I'd take a second to catch you all up on what has transpired with some of my other entries.

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Feeling Frustrated -  myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsI really liked Stacy's suggestions on subtle ways to find out which list the game had been on.  Unfortunately, I am impatient and before I ever had the chance to read her suggestion, I simply asked Mac who's list it had been on. (his).  So that mystery was solved.  And wrapped and marked. :)


All Stressed out and No One to Choke-myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics  This morning while I was reading a book in bed, Kendra crawled in next to me and appologized for yesterday.  We had a good talk and for now things are resolved.  She's back to her usual self. for now.  I do think it's all part and parcel of the "becoming independent" stage (she is after all 18), and I try to cut her some slack on that because I know I did it too.  This too shall pass.


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11 days and counting - myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphicsPaul should be home by 1 pm tomorrow afternoon.  So far his drive has been without incident and he is already settled in his hotel room for the night.  We are all incredibly antsy waiting for him to get home.   It will be nice to have him with us and know that we've got some time with him before he has to leave again.



Freedom's Call

Freedom's Call

(Thanks to Veterans’ & Families)

Heroes whisper, "We gave freedom to you. But what we did wasn't anything new. We're just ordinary people, like you, my friend; but when we were needed, we were there to the end.

“We gave our hearts, we gave our all. Without our strength it would fall. 'Cuz every generation must march to freedom's call...Or we'll have no freedom at all.”

Now this freedom passes on to you. Will you stand for the red, white and blue? Some have fought with a sword, some defend with a pen. But the fight for freedom never ends.

Can you give your heart? Can you give your all? Without your strength it will fall. 'Cuz every generation must march to freedom's call...or we'll have no freedom at all.

To these heroes I reply: “I'm no one special, but my voice counts. Joining with others we will surmount. With a quiet conviction within my heart, I might find a way to do my part: I will give my heart, I will give my all. Without my strength it might fall. 'Cuz every generation must march to freedom's call...Or we'll have no freedom at all.

“Yes, in my generation I'll march to freedom's call...I won't let our freedom fall.”

Words & Music-Mariann Adams,

Friday, December 15, 2006

My Final Word tonight... "Walmart"

I went to Walmart this afternoon to look for a few things.  I ended up in the Sports Department looking for softball gloves, but found the Bean instead.

I have been waiting to give a full review on my experience with The Bean until I've used it a bit more... but after finding it at Walmart for under $50.00, I felt it was time to at least give a bit of a preliminary review

I want to temper this review with this bit of information.... I have never used a stability ball, so I cannot compare and contrast the two.   Having said that,  Here is my honest initial feeling about the Bean.

I purchased the bean with the additional piece "The Bean Flex 10 Home Gym Stand with ResistanceBands".   This is kind of a cool contraption that allows you to use the Bean as a full body workout.  Not really a necessary piece, however if you have hand weights at home already (dumbells).  The Bean comes with a DVD that has 6 different workouts on it.  Not one of these workouts demonstrates the use of the Gym Stand.  The Gym Stand came with a wall chart....not exactly the easiest way to keep moving through your workout if you have to keep going back to the wall chart to review the moves.

The workouts on the DVD for the Bean include an Ab and Core Workout, Total Body workout, Pilates Workout, Bun and Thigh workout, Back Strengthening and Relief workout, and a Stress Buster Program.

I have tried the Ab and Core, the Total and the Back Strengthening workouts.  All of them were very effective, all were easy to do.  The biggest reason I ordered the Bean was for the Ab workout.  I think it is the best thing I've tried for abs.  I don't know how it compares to a stability ball, but at the end of the ab workout, I could feel the muscle all the way up and down my abdomen.  Usually when I do crunches on the floor, I feel the work done mostly at the top of the muscle, but with the Bean.... I really felt like I hadindeed managed to work the whole muscle.  The way you position yourself to work all the areas was easy to do, and comfortable.

I haven't been consistent enough to say that I've had great results.. The holidays have a way of causing me to lose focus.  But I do believe the Bean could make a difference... at least it's better (in my opinion) than doing the typical crunches on the floor.

And at the moment.. it's at a good price at Walmart And no shipping!  So I just wanted to pass that along.  After I've had some time to really use the Bean consistently, I'll get back to here with my results.



All Stressed out and No One to Choke

I am waging war with my children.  For some odd reason they have suddenly decided (just two days before Dad gets home and 10 days before Christmas) that Mom is truly a clueless individual and someone that hasn't earned their respect.

Really, my biggest beef right now is with Kendra.   After school this conversation transpired between us.

Me- Kendra, can you help your sister clean up the kitchen so she can make the gingerbread  (the counters were a bit cluttered, the whole thing with two of them would have taken MAYBE 10-15 minutes)

Kendra- WHY??

Me- Because I asked you to.

Kendra- It's not my turn

Me- Look, just help your sister, see what she needs you to help her with (Kim's been in the kitchen working the whole time)

Kim- You could empty the dishwasher...

Kendra- I don't empty the dishwasher

Me- Fine, sweep the floor

Kendra- I don't sweep floors

Me- Fine, get out of the kitchen, don't bother to help there... what you are going to do NOW is clean up your bathroom

Kendra- I don't do bathrooms.

First the "conversation" dissolves into me trying to be stern, not that it helped (tho usually it does).  I had to leave the room to avoid killing her on the spot.  The bathroom was never done.  Kim cleaned up the Kitchen.  A short time later, I'm doing some work on the computer, Kim is working at the dining room table.

Kim- eww... something is sticky here.

Me- Why don't you wipe down the table then

Kim- NO

She did finally clean up the table when she was setting it for dinner.  We had spaghetti, salad and toasted french bread for dinner. Then during dinner...

Mac- good bread, Mom

Me- Thank you, Mac

Kendra- Mom didn't make the bread.

Mac- Oh.. then who did?

Kendra- the store

Kim- Mom buttered it and toasted it, Kendra

Kendra (muttered under breath)- Like that takes any talent.

I confronted her.  I asked her why she was being so mean to me.  What had I done for her to behave this way?  Her response was "I'm not trying to be mean"... well.. God help her when she finally TRIES to be mean... I may not be able to resist the knee-jerk reaction to slap her.

Allowances have been cut off.  All extra privileges have been cut off.  NO shopping trip tomorrow, no haircut, no nail salon.   I am so not taking someone that is so freakishly set on pissing me off for no reason that I can see. WTF is going on with her?

Did you Know?

download ASBP Logo in powerpoint format

The Armed Services run their own blood program.  They do not receive blood from civilian sources UNLESS they pay for the units they receive.  Now more than ever, the Armed Services need donors to help meet their constant need for blood products.

Because of new rules that have been put in place to keep blood products safe, many previous donors are no longer eligible to donate blood. (Long stays in foreign countries can make people ineligible). 

So many times, we want to do something to show our troops that we support them.  And believe me, the care packages are greatly appreciated.  But here is a way in which you can significantly help our troops.  Donate blood to an Armed Services Blood Program center.  They are not in every state, but they are in several states... so perhaps there is one near you.  Here is their website Blood Needed .   As you navigate through their site, you can find out more information about where you can donate and about the whole blood giving process.

Just one donation can save three lives!!  What an impact you can make with one simple donation!  I thank you for reading this through, please share this information with everyone that you can.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

A Moment of Prayer

Let us pray...

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"Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. Amen."

Prayer Request: When you read this, please stop for a moment and say a prayer for our troops around the world.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Feeling Frustrated

I do not know how, but I've managed to lose the lists each of the kids gave me for "santa".  I am done buying, so it's not a problem in that respect.  But now that I am wrapping the gifts, I can't remember what I bought for whom.  Kind of frustrating because I have one video game that all three of them would like and I can't remember whose list it was on. LOL. And I hate to ask because I think that gives too much away. <sigh>

hmmm... what to do? what to do?


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Monday, December 11, 2006

Belleau Wood

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Paul should be home by Sunday.  I am so thrilled to know that this separation is almost over.  A whole month together before he has to leave again.  How cool is that? Is it horrible that one of the things I am really looking forward to is having everything finally unpacked?  LOL..  He gives me focus.  This is what I love about our relationship.  Each of us have strengths that the other may not, but together we have focus.

So... here's another beautiful thought to tribute our fighting men and women.   May we all strive for peace on earth.

Belleau Wood

Oh, the snowflakes fell in silence
over Belleau Wood that night
For a Christmas truce had been declared

By both sides of the fight
As we lay there in our trenches
The silence broke in two
By a German soldier singing
A song that we all knew

Though I did not know the language
The song was "Silent Night"
Then I heard my buddy whisper,
"All is calm and all is bright"
Then the fear and doubt surrounded me
"Cause I'd die if I was wrong
But I stood up in my trench And

I began to sing along

Then across the frozen battlefield
Anothers voice joined in
Until one by one each man became
A singer of the hymn

Then I thought that I was dreaming
For right there in my sight
Stood the German soldier
'Neath the falling flakes of white
And he raised his hand and smiled at me
As if he seemed to say
Here's hoping we both live
To see us find a better way

Then the devil's clock struck midnight
And the skies lit up again
And the battlefield where heaven stood
Was blown to hell again

But for just one fleeting moment
The answer seemed so clear
Heaven's not beyond the clouds
It's just beyond the fear

No, heaven's not beyond the clouds
It's for us to find it here

The CD is: Sevens
The cut is: Belleau Wood
The Authors are : Joe Henry and Garth Brooks Copyright 1997

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Thursday, December 7, 2006

A Different Christmas Poem


A Different Christmas Poem

The embers glowed softly, and in their dim light,
I gazed round the room and I cherished the sight.
My wife was asleep, her head on my chest,
My daughter beside me, angelic in rest.
Outside the snow fell, a blanket of white,
Transforming the yard to a winter delight.
The sparkling lights in the tree I believe,
Completed the magic that was Christmas Eve.
My eyelids were heavy, my breathing was deep,
Secure and surrounded by love I would sleep.
In perfect contentment, or so it would seem,
So I slumbered, perhaps I started to dream.

The sound wasn't loud, and it wasn't too near,
But I opened my eyes when it tickled my ear.
Perhaps just a cough, I didn't quite know, Then the
sure sound of footsteps outside in the snow.
My soul gave a tremble, I struggled to hear,
And I crept to the door just to see who was near.
Standing out in the cold and the dark of the night,
A lone figure stood, his face weary and tight.

A soldier, I puzzled, some twenty years old,
Perhaps a Marine, huddled here in the cold.
Alone in the dark, he looked up and smiled,
Standing watch over me, and my wife and my child.
"What are you doing?" I asked without fear,
"Come in this moment, it's freezing out here!
Put down your pack, brush the snow from your sleeve,
You should be at home on a cold Christmas Eve!"

For barely a moment I saw his eyes shift,
Away from the cold and the snow blown in drifts..
To the window that danced with a warm fire's light
Then he sighed and he said "Its really all right,
I'm out here by choice. I'm here every night." "It's my duty to stand at the front of the line,
That separates you from the darkest of times.
No one had to ask or beg or implore me,
I'm proud to stand here like my fathers before me.
My Gramps died at '
Pearl on a day in December,"
Then he sighed, "That's a Christmas 'Gram always remembers."
My dad stood his watch in the jungles of '
And now it is my turn and so, here I am.
I've not seen my own son in more than a while,
But my wife sends me pictures, he's sure got her smile.

Then he bent and he carefully pulled from his bag,
The red, white, and blue... an American flag.
I can live through the cold and the being alone,
Away from my family, my house and my home.
I can stand at my post through the rain and the sleet,
I can sleep in a foxhole with little to eat.
I can carry the weight of killing another,
Or lay down my life with my sister and brother..
Who stand at the front against any and all,
To ensure for all time that this flag will not fall."

"So go back inside," he said, "harbor no fright,
Your family is waiting and I'll be all right."
"But isn't there something I can do, at the least,
"Give you money," I asked, "or prepare you a feast?
It seems all too little for all that you've done,
For being away from your wife and your son."
Then his eye welled a tear that held no regret,
"Just tell us you love us, and never forget.
To fight for our rights back at home while we're gone,
To stand your own watch, no matter how long.
For when we come home, either standing or dead,
To know you remember we fought and we bled.
Is payment enough, and with that we will trust,
That we mattered to you as you mattered to us."

PLEASE, Would you do me the kind favor of sending this to as many people as you can? Christmas will be coming soon and some credit is due to our U.S.service men and women for our being able to celebrate these festivities.  Let's try in this small way to pay a tiny bit of what we owe. Make people stop and think of our heroes, living and dead, who sacrificed themselves for us.


LCDR Jeff Giles, SC, USN
30th Naval Construction Regiment
OIC, Logistics Cell One
Al Taqqadum,

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

11 days and counting

We are practically to the countdown to when Paul will be home again.  Granted, it will only be for about 5 weeks and then he's off to two more TDY's, but both of those will be very short ones.  What is awesome about this homecoming is that he will be on "casual" status at best and will be at our beck and call for four of those five weeks.

I am just so looking forward to having him home again.  Every time he goes away, I am reminded of just how difficult raising kids alone can be.  My heart and my respect goes out to all those single parents out there that do all that I do AND have to provide the financial income as well. If I am anything to go by, trust me, your kids will realize this one day and thank you profusely.

It has been my habit to write my mother a love note each Mother's Day since I became a mother.  (My dad received one too while he was still alive).  And every time I think that I "get" what it is like to be a parent, my kids move into a new age category and I am reminded once again of what I must have put my parents through during that same stage. I can never thank them enough, but I sure do appreciate all the hard work and love they put into the "making of me." As my husband says,  I am nothing, if not the best parts of them.

Well, clearly I am feeling the love this morning.  Yearning for Paul's return.. knowing that it is so close and yet it still feels so far away.

Does everyone's kids have such a short Christmas break this year?   Our kids only have 6 days off (not counting the weekends) this year.  That seems just so darn short.   We are staying put this year for Christmas, too short for us to go home.  But Kendra is getting her first "grown-up" adventure during Christmas week.  We are sending her to her aunt's house for 6 days, so that she can visit her friends from her first high school.  They have kept in touch over the years and with all of them graduating this spring, it seemed like a good time for them to get together and celebrate.

Well, that's what is on my mind this morning.  

Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Cell Phones in America

In Europe, it is against the law to answer your cell phone while driving.  You must pull off the road in a safe place to have that conversation.  And the fines are steep, so there are few times I ever saw someone talking on a cell phone while driving.

Here it seems that the laws are either non-existent or non-enforcable.  Too bad.  I can't tell you the number of times I have almost been hit in my car by a driver that is distracted with a cell phone next to his/her ear. 

It is amazing to me!  I have seen people jump in their car in a parking lot, grab out their cell and begin dialing.  Once they are connected to whomever it is they want to talk to, they then proceed to start their car and back out to move. HUH????  Why not just sit your ass in your car and make the call without moving? 

For those of you that are guilty of these things... and you know who you are, please consider taking your calls at a more convenient time, for yourself, for the person in the car in front of you. 

And I'm not talking about the hands-free style phones... I"m talking about the ones that you have to hold to your ear.  Stop it!  Your passengers deserve to have your full attention on the road.  Your fellow drivers deserve to have your full attention on the road.

Monday, December 4, 2006

Don't Hate Me

- On a quick side note.... I think that one of the reasons I don't have music playing in the background all the time is because I find it distracts me..I have said before at various times and to various people that I do believe that if I were a child now I'd be diagnosed as ADD.  Sometimes I can get this to work in my favor.. other times I accomplish nothing because I am constantly distracted from one task to another, to another.. until I have a half dozen things started but nothing completed.


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But the reason that I hope no one hates me after reading this entry is that I am done with my Christmas shopping.  All presents have been bought.  I am now in the process of wrapping and mailing those that need to be mailed.  I am probably not the first one done.. I am sure there are several of you thinking "big deal, I've been done since before Thanksgiving"... but I didn't even start until the Saturday after Thanksgiving, so to be done in a week... well... for me that is record fast.

And more importantly, I feel really good about the gifts we are giving.  I think that the kids will enjoy their things, as well as the more expanded family members that we remember each year.

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So, now I'm going to take my happy self and go to bed.


Friday, December 1, 2006

Caution: Ranting Military Wife Here

First off, I want to acknowledge that I have it better than a lot of spouses do right now.  My Army hubby is safely tucked away in a state side school and that is a great relief after his year deployment.  Having said that,  I must now rant.

1986 - Keep the Home Fries Burning

I am seriously tired of having to do it all myself, or having to be the one to find someone who can do what I cannot.  I know what I was walking into when I married this man.  I jumped in with eyes wide open and arms spread out.  I love him all the more because of what he does.  But I am tired, seriously, seriously tired of keeping the home fires burning ... or more specifically.. keeping the toilets flushing.

My master bathroom toilet has been plugged since last weekend.  To add insult to injury, Paul was the last person to use it when it plugged.  And though he claims he did "nothing" to make it plug.. let's be honest..the one holding the "smoking" flush lever gets the blame.

He tried to unplug it, cursed the plunger I bought and told me I was going to have to call out maintenance on Monday.  Then he packed up his car and high-tailed it back to Alabama, where the maids were turning down his blankets on his bed.  He may have to cook and what not.. but he still has maid service for the rest.

Now...  my weeks are never a string of days where I get to sit at home just waiting around for the maintenance guy.  Plus, I wasn't convinced that Paul really gave it his all when he was plunging away in the bathroom.  So.. I procrastinated (we do have another bathroom, so it wasn't critical), I would wander in whenever I was home and try to plunge the dang thing again.  But no success.  Finally today I knew I'd be home all day so I called for maintenance.

The maintenance guy arrived around 10 am this morning.  He's still here( it's been 2. 5 hours).  Apparently this truly is the clog that no one can beat.  He has left and comeback three times now with different pieces of equipment trying to get this thing unplugged.  Since he started, he's managed to overflow the toilet (something both Paul and I managed to avoid),  then he backed this crap up into my shower stall and sink. Now.. he is cleaning up some as he goes (thank goodness for wet/dry vacs), but realistically speaking... you and I both know I'm gonna be scrubbing that room (and the stall) before I will really feel comfortable using it again.

So, why- you must wonder- do I feel this is all Paul's fault and if only he were here I woudn't be having to deal with it?  Because it's true... LOL.  I think what really has me going today is just realizing that this worker is tramping back and forth through my house, carrying g-- knows what on the bottoms of his shoes and that I am going to have to figure out where he stepped once he's gone so I can sanitize those spots.  To say nothing of the fact that Paul was holding the flush handle when all this started. It seems only fair he should be here dealing with this part of it too.

Okay, I'm done now.. and I feel better... but the maintenance guy is still here.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Confessions of a failed dieter

Okay...  I really didn't do that bad on my diet today.  My confession comes from the fact that I was supposed to start a three day metabolism boosting diet plan today (actually, earlier this week... but at this point .. today).

The wake up drink of water and lemon juice was no problem.

Breakfast of eggs and oatmeal... was adjusted a bit to allow for Vitalicious muffin top instead of the oatmeal.

Lunch was a salad made with 1/2 tsp olive oil and 1/2 tsp apple cider vinegar.  Okay.. screeching halt right there.   I made it.  I ate it.  I refuse to ever eat it again.  I hate apple cider vinegar.

I was supposed to have a concoction of apple cider vinegar and water mixed together before dinner.  NOPE.. that didn't happen.. I switched to lemon and water again.

And I was supposed to have fish, etc for dinner.   I had pasta.  Ah well.. here's what I've come to realize.

I am better off eating my normal "dieting" food and staying away from plans that insist I consume stuff that I typically wouldn't. Clearly, that way lies madness.

The three day metabolism boosting diet is officially kicked to the curb.

Tasted Crow lately?

Homeowners Association OKs Peace Wreath - AOL News

Mary, from the journal Just Mary brought to my attention this morning that the HOA board backed down on their demand that the Peace Wreath be brought down.

I am pleased to hear that there was so much positive response to this situation that the board reversed it's decision.

As a spouse of a military member, I'm gonna let you all in on a little secret.  We pray for peace all the time.  Since 1985 our Christmas cards have always centered on the theme of "Peace."  Being in the military does not mean that we don't want peace.  It merely means that he believes strongly enough in what this country stands for that he is willing to defend it....and you... and me.  He does what he does for us.  How in all of that, can a wish for peace be seen as an "anti-military" message?  It's most definitely an anti-war message because the opposite of war is peace. But where the military men and women are concerned, they have my support.... and my wishes for peace. 'nough said.

And Thanks Mary.. for sending me the note alerting me to the new article :)   YOU ROCK!



Monday, November 27, 2006

Holiday Spirit out of the Subdivision NOW!

Subdivision Bans Wreath With Peace Sign - AOL News


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This tidbit out on AOL sort of amazed me.  Not really, because we have all gotten to that "hypersensitive" state with regard to how easily we can find something to be offended by... and yet...   still amazing.

The part of the story that really stood out for me however is how the President of the Co-op FIRED the board members that would not rule against the resident that had up the Peace sign wreath.   I have to LMAO at the thought that here is someone with the power to fire those that disagree with him and hire some that will agree with him.

Too much!!