I do not know how, but I've managed to lose the lists each of the kids gave me for "santa". I am done buying, so it's not a problem in that respect. But now that I am wrapping the gifts, I can't remember what I bought for whom. Kind of frustrating because I have one video game that all three of them would like and I can't remember whose list it was on. LOL. And I hate to ask because I think that gives too much away. <sigh>
hmmm... what to do? what to do?
Estela this would be my plan - watching TV with Tony I would act confused and forgetful "what was that video game that Joey wanted?" Brothers know exactly what the other one wants - then I would get the other two alone one by one and do the same "Tony asked for Spiderman, right?" (Of course he didn't, no one did - they will laugh at how silly mom is and tell her exactly what Tony asked for)
Well at least the plan works in my head, lol - good luck!
Man I would love to have that kind of frustration....I would have Dad ask "hey want do you want again"......kind of general like....
Good luck with that one Estela. I wish I had something to tell you that would help but I'd be going insane. Luckily my boys are so young that they don't care whose it is..they just play with it. But I like Stacy's plan on figuring it out. Let us know how it goes for you.
Hugs, Angie
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