Tuesday, January 31, 2006

It's 3:17 a.m. and I'm seriously tempted to do a bit of cat hunting.

http://www.glitter-graphics.com/graphics/3526 Miss Smokey, the cat elected to jump on my bed at about midnight and jiggle the whole thing.  I know, how could she jiggle the bed enough to wake me up?   She has paws of cement!!  I swear, she bounced me awake.  So.. of course, now I can't get back to sleep and I'm seriously pissed off at that cat.

http://www.glitter-graphics.com/graphics/5755On the up side, I received my Valentine's Day gift from my sweetie today and with his prior permission, I opened it early.  I swear to goodness this is the most romantic thing he could have thought of for this year.  It is a CD in which he's taken the time to hand select the songs and give them meaning in our life. http://www.glitter-graphics.com/graphics/3640

Rather than put the titles on the song list, he gave them phrases so I would know what he was thinking with each song.  So the first time I listened to the CD, each song was a wonderful surprise. Here is the song list the way he wrote it and in parenthesis I wrote out the title of the song and the artist that sang it.  And where explanation is needed, I've added that.

1) January 1, 1978 ( This kiss by Faith Hill )  http://www.glitter-graphics.com/graphics/3691 Our first date and first kiss was a New Year's Party Dec. 31, 1977.. We kissed at midnight and I knew.. I was totally blown away by his kiss

 2) The You I fell in love with ( Emotional Girl by Terry Clark)

3) Together in love (Shiver by Jaime O'Neal)

 4) May 29, 1982 (When I said I do by Clint Black and Lisa Hartman Black) This is the day we got married. http://www.glitter-graphics.com/graphics/3643

5) You and Me (I just wanna be mad by Terry Clark) 

6) A Perfect Life... (Just another Day in Paradise by Phil Vassar

7) ... That doesn't have to be perfect (Perfect by Sara Evans)

8) The Me You fell in love with (An American Soldier by Toby Keith) http://www.ace-clipart.com/clipart/patriotic_pictures/flagday.jpg

9) Times Apart (To Be With You by Jaime O'Neal)

10) No Regrets (The Dance -artist unknown)

11 )  Need I say More?  (Always and Forever by Heatwave) This was "our song" from high school.  

 Now to go hunt down that cat .....



Anonymous said...

How sweet is that.... You are a lucky woman

Anonymous said...

What a sweet and wonderful surprise!  The Dance is by Garth Brooks.  Dana

Anonymous said...

What a sweet man and loving gesture......how wonderful. :)

Pooh Hugs,