I've had a headache for the last few days. One of those that kind of sits at the back of your head just letting you know it's there, but not actually making it impossible to function.
Last night I went to bed at 9:00 pm because I just couldn't take the pain of my children's voices anymore (yes, they talk loud and it was making my head pound). But instead of making it better, sleeping seemed to make it worse. I woke up about midnight and was really wishing it would just go away. As I lay there thinking, I began wondering if it might be a dehydration headache.
My water intake has been a bit off this week since I've been kind of busy. Since I figured it couldn't hurt, I got up and drank 16 ounces of water. As time passed it seemed the pain eased just a bit and I was able to go back to sleep. I woke this morning without the headache and at this point.. I'm working to keep myself hydrated. Now, it may or may not have been the answer, I'm just so grateful to finally feel better that I figure it can't hurt to keep up with the water drinking.
So... all systems are go again and I'm feeling much better.
Ready to take on Linda's challenge to not cheat this month. :)
And on a P.S. note with respect to the Valentine CD my hubby sent me. The song "The Dance" while definitely a Garth Brooks song, was not done by him for my CD. The singer was part of a Garth Brooks tribute album. His name (I have since learned) is Tony Arata.
I'm so glad your headache went away.....it's one of the hardest pains to live with. Glad you are feeling better!!
Pooh Hugs,
I hope you head is feeling better. You better push that water girl...
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