This weekend we are heading south to Garmisch. Great skiing down there, but that's not why we are going. This is the location of one of the Armed Forces Recreation Centers. The Military has a little place there called Edelweiss and we have booked ourselves there for the weekend.
It has a lot of "spa" type features... like a hot tub, pool, massage therapy, workout rooms... as well as all the wonderful comforts of a ski lodge, fireplaces, gathering spots, bars, restaurants. They also have short trips in and around the area, like shopping trips into Italy and Austria. And on Friday and Sunday nights they have horse drawn carriage rides.
I'm trying to sign Mac and Paul up for a snowboarding class, but the girls and I are mostly looking at the luxury stuff. I do hope to take advantage of their gym, at least for a short workout.
Edelweiss has put together a really good package for the returning soldiers... room and meals one price (which is a great deal because the food is good and expensive). We are gettting two rooms plus breakfast and dinner each day we are there, for about the same price I paid when the kids and I went up earlier this winter .... but the price I paid was for one room and NO MEALS!!! So I'm thrilled with this deal.
Garmisch itself is a quaint little town with lots of shopping possibilities, so I'm hoping we'll get a chance to go downtown and do a bit of looking around. When I was there with the kids before, it was too cold for them <eye roll> so I did not get to see anywhere near as many shops as I would have liked.