Well... without realizing it, I've allowed Paul to interrupt the good habits that I started. Not intentionally on his part. But it's all part of that trying to find our niche together again. He took over my alarm clock after he got home and started getting up with the kids on school days. He thought he was doing me a favor, since I've been doing that (getting up with the kids)without a break for a year.
What I didn't realize is that by sleeping in even just a little bit, it was throwing off the rhythm of my day and I wasn't getting my workouts done.
Last night, I took back the alarm clock! I told him that as much as I've loved the break from getting up with the kids I really need to do that so I can get my workouts done as well. So I'm very happy to report that I got up, got dressed to workout, got the kids up, started four loads of laundry, got the kids out the door on time, and all the laundry folded and finished a complete workout- 30 minutes cardio, and 30 minutes lower body strength training.
I know what you mean about a routine....just wish I could get in a workout!!! I so need too. http://journals.aol.com/loverobin32/ThedayinalifeofaNavyWife/
Huggs Robin
Congratulations on realizing what you needed to do and getting it done! I know how you feel because SMOE likes to do that when he is off too ! But what he doesn't realize is that I take the kids to school and then go do my walks at the mall so when he takes them for me it gives me an excuse to not go out to the mall and walk! I have been fixing that by bringin in my stationary bike and usig it! That way I don't have to go anywhere for a workout but I still have a way to get it done wven if something messes with myschedule! You go girl! BAck on plan is the place to be!
Routine is so important isn't it?? Good for you for getting back into yours....I'm proud of you!!!
Pooh Hugs,
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