In cleaning up the desk area for our move, I came across email addresses for two of my friends that had moved in December. I wrote to both of them to see how they were doing in their new places (one went to Tx, the other to Ky). I am happy to report that both families are settled and doing well in their new digs.
The only unexpected news was to discover that one of their teen daughters is now pregnant (unmarried). In this day and age when "safe" sex is promoted in almost every type of media, it amazes me that these things still happen. And while I am well versed in the fail rate of most BC methods, the truth is.. most unplanned pregnancies come from a lack of BC more than anything else.
I know that these parents are second-guessing themselves.. Did we give her too much freedom, not enough freedom.... etc. But you know.. I think that sometimes life unfolds the way it's going to unfold inspite of our plans. We can do all that we think is possible to give our children good guidelines and sound advice, or we can be silent and hope that they will stay innocent longer than we did. But ultimately certain decisions are theirs to make.
Paul and I talk with our kids all the time about these topics. I hope that means they will continue to make good choices. I am praying for my friend and her daughter. I know that they have a hard road ahead of them.
My greatest fear is that as my son Ben is getting ready to leave for the Marine corps - that this little chicky that has him convinced that he is in love, isn't really trying to have a Marine's baby so she is sure to recieve a check each month - and with the job he will have shortly, a nice cushy check for doing nothing more then watching TV all day and have your mom watch the baby! I know I sound evil, maybe I am - but I have a BAD feeling about this little girl and I am expecting the worst to come out of this relationship. Anyway, there's my rant about teenage pregnancy, I am afraid of it at the moment and I haven't been a teenager for at least 3 or 4 years. <VBEG>
P.S I am so dam far behind I didn't even know you were moving! Is this sudden? Where ya going? Tell me what's going on, I feel so lost. ;o)
DUH "THE MOVE"!!! Forgive me - my brain is fried right now. Just say DUH with me. ;o)
It always makes me so sad when I hear about teen pregnancy....there really is no excuse in this day and age. Glad you are getting things around for the move, I hope it all goes well.
Pooh Hugs,
Teen pregnancy is always a hard thing for the parents as well as the soon to be parents ! I can only hope that she will be ready for a child by the time it actually arives ! I can only hope and pray that by the time my girls are that old I will have talked to them enough that they know what mistakes not to make ! And how to prevent such things ! I know that I can't protect them forever but I do know that if that is a decisio that they make there is really nothing that can stop them ! I have taught my kids that it is not permitted but if you should find your self in that situation nad you think you are old enough to handle it then by all means use protection ! Pregnancy is just one of the things that could happen!
Okay Sorry I have now ranted ! LOL Good Luck with the move!
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