Sunday, August 27, 2006

Boxes and Chaos

Our household goods arrived yesterday morning.  In military moves, you have the option of having the packers stay long enough to help you unpack everything so that they can remove the debris.  They help, but for them it's a speed thing "hurry up and get out of here", so you end up with all your belongings sitting around all over the place but nothing really put away.

I had the movers put together my bed, the dining room table, the computer desk and the futon.  They unwrapped all the furniture that was wrapped and then they took all the packing material from those things away.

I am left with boxes and boxes to unpack. What was once a huge and spacious apartment is now a myriad of mazes created by boxes and loose items.

The kids have been a great help.  Our goal yesterday after the movers left were very simple.  We wanted to get their media room put somewhat together, get the living room to a point where we could sit and watch t.v. and clear the beds of loose items (preferably put away) so we could sleep last night. OH... and find the sheets to my bed!

Well, we accomplished all our goals and also got a bit more than that done last night.  We quit at 6pm, relaxed had dinner and then we watched a movie.

It's 6 am here and I am taking a few moments to catch up here and then I think I will go and start tackling boxes.

I tried to have the boxes placed in the correct rooms so that each child could work in their own room, arranging things, but it looks like I may have not done such a great job.  Towards the end of the day, Mac commented to me that not one box in his room that he opened had any of his stuff. In my room I opened two boxes that had Kendra's stuff, Kimberly found two of the boxes in her room held my clothes, and in Kendra's room is at least one dish barrel!  LOL... so  much for hoping we could work on separate rooms today.   I think we are just going to have to go from room to room and empty each box one at a time.

To make all this MORE fun.. we have company coming on Wednesday to spend the long weekend with us.   I know they won't mind the chaos, but one always wishes that things could be a bit more settled before guests arrive.

Monday, August 21, 2006

My computer is making a God-awful noise as I sit and type this entry.  I have concerns.  If this thing goes down after Paul leaves, I'm going to have to make all decisions in replacing it... because as you can imagine.. I can not go without a computer.

Anyway, This is Paul's last week with us.  He leaves Friday morning.  We've been running around trying to get things done so he can feel okay about leaving. (You'd think we were all helpless babes when he is away, the way he acts).  I appreciate his concern, and I will be glad later when things are done and I don't have to deal with them alone, but honestly he's driving me nuts at the moment.

Today's new crisis is the van.  We picked it up from the Baltimore Port on Friday.  Today Paul took it to an inspection station to have a safety inspection done before we get it licensed here in MD.  Well.... it's always the least expected things.  In this case, the ball bearings in one of the wheels are shot and need to be replaced.  We are looking at a $400.00 bill for this area of the country.  OUCH!  Normally wouldn't be a problem, but with all the other expenses we've incurred with this move... it's kind of  tight at the moment. 

Poor Paul... he's been fretting all afternoon how he's supposed to pay for this repair AND still have money in the coffers for two households until the next payday.  Seriously, this isn't typically a problem.... but it's just a whole lot too close to the end of the pay period in which we've bought a lot of new things. We'll swing it.. it's just a matter of moving money from one account to another and then replacing it on the first.. but Paul likes to fret over it for a while first. <sigh>

Kids got haircuts today for the beginning of school (which happens to be Wednesday for us).  Open house at the High School is tonight for Kim and Kendra.  Mac's open house at the Junior High is tomorrow.

That's all the news for now. :)

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Family dating

  My oldest daughter Kendra has made a new friend here in Maryland.  She met a young guy here recently and he asked her to go bowling with him.  Call me overprotective, but I wanted the opportunity to get to know this young man a bit before I agreed to my daughter going anywhere with him alone.  So... we all went bowling, even his parents!  His mother is one kick-ass bowler.  During the second game she only left one pin up, all other frames were either strikes or spares.  I was impressed.
Not only was I impressed by the bowling, but also that his parents cared enough to come out and meet this group of people too.  His step-dad works out at the XP school that Paul will be attending in January.  His mother is a Pharmacy Tech Leader with one of the local chains.
Josh seems like a  nice enough kid.  I am glad that Kendra is meeting some new folks.  I don't imagine this will turn into a boyfriend/girlfriend thing because he doesn't seem her type.  As her sister Kim said... "he reminds me of Mac".   He was kind of energetic.  I don't mean that in a bad way... it's just that Kendra is really laidback and I suspect this energy will get tiring to her after awhile.

Friday, August 18, 2006

In my inbox

In my inbox today I recieved a forwarded e-mail from a friend of mine.  It is in the typical spam fashion a cry for American solidarity against yet another perceived slight to the American heroes.

This call to action was over a postage stamp that the USPS is putting out this year to "comemorate" the Muslim holiday of Eid ul-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر), often abbreviated as simply Eid. This Email that I received called for a boycott of the stamp at the Post Office.

First of all, I am alarmed by this sort of thing because it is such a hate-mongering position to take.  The battle lines are drawn over the fact that it commemorates a MUSLIM holiday and (by the conclusion made in the letter) we are currently fighting the MUSLIMS, to say nothing of the numerous bombings that have occurred against U. S. interests because of the MUSLIMS.

There are many, many, many law abiding muslims in our country as well as in other countries.  The bombs and the fighting goes on between extreme factions of these religions. 

To compare all muslims to the militant groups that have created the havoc to which we are currently working to restore order, would be like saying all American Christians are as guilty as the singular group that is picketing the funerals of our dead soldiers.

At a time when tolerance is so desperately needed, and understanding amongst all of us, this type of email is confusing to me on so many levels.

First of all... Why would any other faith buy these stamps to begin with?  I mean... I don't buy Hannakuh stamps, heck ... most years I don't even buy Christmas stamps, so why would I buy EID stamps when I don't even celebrate this holiday?

Secondly, none of us like to be all wrapped in together as a single entity.  Like all Americans agree with Bush, or don't agree with Bush, or are embarrassed that he's from Texas.  Not all of us agree that our presence is necessary in the Middle East. .... If we are not comfortable with one statement describing all of us.... why would we use one statement to describe all Muslims?

I respect my friend's right to feel this way.  I respect my friend's right to feel strongly enough about this stamp to forward such a note to my e-box.  I will not be sending it on to any of my other friends because it does not reflect my view.  I hope that more people stop the note in the boxes as well.  I hope it is recognized for the hate mail that it is.



Monday, August 14, 2006


Challenge!LinPooh has so very kindly offered up a challenge to all of us out here in J-land to start/add/increase our physical activity. Challenges can be difficult. Especially ones that seem to go on forever. 

I find myself procrastinating when I know I have 6 weeks or one season to make changes.. I keep thinking that I'll start "tomorrow", but you know... tomorrow never comes.

I like this challenge, it's short, it's simple.  I'm going to join Linda in this and try to do either two 15 minute sessions each day OR one session of 30 minutes a day.

I hope others will take on this challenge too.

Friday, August 11, 2006

It's Friday!

Here we are at the end of another week. My washer and dryer have been delivered, so no more runs to the laundrymat!  We've got Mac's room all painted.  It's a beautiful blue color.  Very Calming.  I like it alot.   We are now working on Kim's room.  She's chosen two colors for her walls.  Two of her walls are a light lavender, and the other two walls will be a light teal.  Today we painted the lavender.

We had the repair guy in to fix our master bath shower head.  He came by this morning and fixed it (it was leaking something fierce) and even very kindly put up our hand-held shower head for us.  But now the water is leaking out of the hot water faucet. LOL.. so we still have to use the kid's shower.

I didn't make it to WW this week because we've been so busy with the painting.  I have been exercising with Paul at the gym though and we've been reining in our bad eating habits.  I think I am going to wait until Paul leaves here for Alabama before I start up with WW so he's not a distraction.  I love when he is on leave and at my beck and call 24/7.

Monday, August 7, 2006

It's Monday, so it must be "start over" day

Today Paul and I started our "new" programs.  We went to the gym first thing this morning and worked out.  I did a 15 minute mile on the treadmill and then I did 10 minutes on the elliptical trainer.  Paul did his Army PT thing. 

We helped each other all day on making food choices.  So, here's the annoying part.. he gets 1800-2000 calories a day and I am forced to stay under 1500 calories.  We both managed to be well under our calorie goals for today.  Considering we're still not quite doing all our meals at home.. that's pretty good.

We did pick up paint today to paint Mac's room.  That project starts tomorrow.  While Mac and Paul are painting, I'll be putting stuff away (things we mailed to ourselves from Germany) and making my grocery list.  I think we are as stable as we are going to be until the rest of our stuff arrives, so it's time to start cooking.  Also.. tomorrow I'm going to my first WW meeting.  I found one that meets at noon, which will be great when the kids are in school.  No delaying dinner in the evenings.


Friday, August 4, 2006


We are an Army family living on a Navy Base.  It is different.  Not better, not worse... just different.  I am not even sure where to begin in noting some of these differences, but they are not hard to miss once you are forced to see them.

Our neighbors in Apartment A are also Army.  He's a blackhawk pilot currently going through the Test Pilot course that Paul will be starting in January.  We met them briefly in the hall this afternoon.  His name is Adam. .. but sadly I can't remember the wife's name ( he wore a name tag)

Setting up a new household is stressful.  Everything is discussed to the Nth degree.  At least with Paul it is.  He asks for my opinion.. and when I give it, he second guesses it anyway.  GRRR...  So when I say.. well.. you are in a better position to know. you choose..he gets all huffy that I don't want to debate it to death. 

So, we are now on a countdown to when Paul leaves to Alabama. He leaves here August 25.  It's kind of hit or miss whether the furniture will arrive before he goes.  Knowing my luck... I'll be receiving it on my own. 

My sister is really down on WW.  She keeps trying to get me to try anything but WW.   We have Curves in the area, and I have been a member there and done well.. But what I really want is a local support group.  I hope that one of these classes that meets here locally works out for me. 

I know I've gained weight during this move.. it's just been too stressful for me not to have (plus I can feel the change in my clothes).  We (Paul and I) are set to start back on our workouts on Monday.  I will try to attend the WW meeting next week.


Thursday, August 3, 2006

The Good Ol' U.S. of A.!

Hey Everyone!  We are slowly (and I mean slowly) getting back into the scheme of things. The trip across the "pond" went smoothly, even for Miss Smokey. 

I can't believe how much has changed, how wierd it feels to be back in the states and how incredibly hot and humid it is here in Southern Maryland.

We have housing on the base.  This was probably one of the best housing experiences we've had.  We are in a second floor apartment, but it has 4 bedrooms and over 1800 feet of living space.  There is a "bonus" room, which we'll use for the kids "media" room.

I have so much to share about this whole experience, but for the moment I have to keep wading through all my e-mail.  I will be back with more details and stories.  Until then. :)