Saturday, August 19, 2006

Family dating

  My oldest daughter Kendra has made a new friend here in Maryland.  She met a young guy here recently and he asked her to go bowling with him.  Call me overprotective, but I wanted the opportunity to get to know this young man a bit before I agreed to my daughter going anywhere with him alone.  So... we all went bowling, even his parents!  His mother is one kick-ass bowler.  During the second game she only left one pin up, all other frames were either strikes or spares.  I was impressed.
Not only was I impressed by the bowling, but also that his parents cared enough to come out and meet this group of people too.  His step-dad works out at the XP school that Paul will be attending in January.  His mother is a Pharmacy Tech Leader with one of the local chains.
Josh seems like a  nice enough kid.  I am glad that Kendra is meeting some new folks.  I don't imagine this will turn into a boyfriend/girlfriend thing because he doesn't seem her type.  As her sister Kim said... "he reminds me of Mac".   He was kind of energetic.  I don't mean that in a bad way... it's just that Kendra is really laidback and I suspect this energy will get tiring to her after awhile.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like it was nice...  Hope you all are getting comfortable in you new home.. MaryAlice