Yesterday Mac and I finished up the bookcases we had in the car from a month ago. These things went together so nicely. Good instructions and extra hardware. Clean lines. I'm pretty thrilled. So, since Kendra had her new bookcase, she managed to get more boxs emptied out and things put away. I was also able to get a few more boxes emptied yesterday.
I'm hoping to finish Mac's shelves for above his dresser today. I have the supports done (I needed to paint all the parts black), so today I'll be painting the underside of the shelves. Then we can put them up tomorrow. And his room really will be complete after that.
Paul is coming home for the Thanksgiving weekend. He arrives Wednesday night. I'm getting pretty excited about seeing him. Even though we talk at least once a day, truth is .. it's just not the same as "in person." He has to go back to Rucker after the weekend for two more weeks of TDY, but he should be home for good the 17 of December.
So of course I'm in "let's get as much done as possible" mode. But I'm trying to tackle projects that I can truly finish, rather than start things (like emptying boxes) that may not do anything more than add clutter to the house. Its tough to know which boxes have items that are "put-away-able" versus "clutter".
And of course on top of this, I have my usual housecleaning to do and prepping forThanksgiving dinner. Really since it's just the four of us, it isn't too bad. We make a limited menu, just the things that we like. This year I am hoping to add something new for Paul and I. I have discovered the taste pleasure of Sweet Potatoes. I never cared for them growing up, but yummy now. I am trying to find a healthy, low cal version for our dinner.
Back at Diet Central... I've had a good start to today. I've already completed my exercise and I'm heading to the kitchen now to make my breakfast.
1 comment:
Hello Miss Estela, I am so sorry I haven't been here lately, I have been so busy with school... I am trying to get caught up on my journal reading... How nice that Paul will be home for Thanksgiving... I do hope you all have a wonderful time together...
It sounds like Kendra is feeling better....
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