Monday, February 5, 2007

Portion Distortion

Found this article at sparkpeople (  I felt this was REALLY worth sharing.

People are getting bigger. That's no secret. Here's something that's not as well-known: our food is getting bigger too. A LOT bigger.

From 1977 to 1997, hamburgers expanded by 23%; a plate of Mexican food got 27% bigger; soft drinks increased by 52%; snacks (potato chips, pretzels, crackers) grew 60%. We're now entering the second generation of overeaters who can't believe that a fast food soft drink used to come in 10 ounce cups. There's actually a frozen entrée that proudly sells itself as "1 Pound of Food," as if its total mass was a benefit.

Are they serious? This is getting ridiculous!

Well, no more... The first step to diet renewal is to regain some control over what goes on your plate. With careful measurement, you'll learn exactly how many servings you're eating, then reduce portions until they're more in line with recommended serving sizes.

This will be the habit that can cut the most calories the quickest. You could literally lose weight by doing nothing more than eating single servings of your favorite foods instead of the culinary pile of calories you're normally faced with.

Do you ever feel obligated to finish everything on your plate, even if you're not hungry? You're probably a member of the Clean Plate Club. Formed with good intentions, this concept can cause more harm than good in this time of absurd portions. The American Institute for Cancer Research found that 67% of Americans eat everything on their plates, regardless of size. Problem is, a typical dinner plate holds three serving of spaghetti, not just one. A better strategy is to find ways to put less on your plate to begin with.

Here are some other Portion Control tips:
  • Use smaller plates and bowls. There's a proven link between the perceived size of food and appetite.
  • Order an appetizer as an entree. Remember to stay away from fried foods though.
  • Order from the lunch menu at dinnertime.
  • Leftovers are okay. Ask the server to wrap up half your meal before bringing it out.
  • Order smaller sizes such as a half-order of pasta or a "petite" cut of meat. Even so, portions may still be hefty. It's not unusual for a "smaller" portion of meat to be an 8-ounce serving.
  • Pay attention to what you're eating. You'll eat more if you're mindlessly grazing or staring at the TV.
  • Learn to read food labels, but be careful. Serving sizes can be misleading (for example, a can of cola is technically two servings.)

A Quick Note:
As you cut down portions, you may feel a little hungry at first. To offset this temporary hunger without eating more:
  • Drink more water
  • Eat fiber-loaded foods
  • Eat low-calorie foods first
  • Eat slowly, put the fork down between bites


Anonymous said...

I wonder if the american's need for bigger and better didn't have something to do with where we are as a country I remember getting a burger and fries and it being more than enough for me now everyone is supersizing and getting the biggest they can thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

These are such easy bassics that we need to be reminded of often...  thank you for sharing this...  I know these things really work...
Missin you