Thursday, February 15, 2007

Vindication from Dr. Sugar

Found at More Addictive: Food or Heroin?.

According to the article, addiction is defined as

"Repetitive behavior beyond your control that leads to adverse consequences."

"The foods that cause the most addictive, repetitive eating are cheese, sugars, caffeine, chocolate, salty snacks and meats, which all contain chemicals that affect the amygdala, which when stimulated, reinforces behaviors that make us feel good," Dr. Sugar explains.

"A fast food value meal is the perfectly addictive lunch,"

You can become so addicted that your body will actually start "jonesing" for that next food fix. 

While the article does mention that you can break the addiction by avoiding your trigger foods, it also acknowledges how hard that can be in today's world.  It can take the body as much as a week to break the physical addiction, but the psychological addiction seems to always be there.  Eventually, I know I'm going to find myself in a quiet room with my favorite food drug of choice.   UGH!


Anonymous said...

you won't be alone darlin I myself will be right there with you
have a good day

Anonymous said...

I'll be sitting there right next to you.