Okay... a lot more days passed by than I intended, sorry about that.
So... here's the story.. probably not as funny now as it was to me at the time...
Dr. K was very good with Kendra. As I mentioned before he did a very detailed exam of her teeth. He was able to find three cavities, two of which are very small, the other is "OMG how big can one cavity be" size, and still he doesn't believe it will need a root canal.... which by the way... that one isn't even in the tooth that Dr. P said the root canal might be needed. Dr. K did comment that he'd be able to get a clearer view once he saw the x-rays (he didn't want to do a second set so soon after her last ones and I couldn't get them from Dr. P in time), but that he felt anything else might be so minor that just taking better care and using the fluoride rinse should be able to take care of those. (Did I mention that our public water does not have fluoride in it?). He said that he likes to take a more conservative route because he hates messing up healthy teeth.
So, of course I want to transfer Kendra to Dr. K. I believe that even if it turns out worse once he sees the x-rays, I'm still going to be more comfortable with his approach than I will be with the other dentist. Kendra also prefers Dr. K... and at her age, shouldn't she get a voice in this too?
As we were leaving on that Thursday, I filled out the release form to have her records transferred from Dr. P to Dr. K. Now I have a dilemma, Kim likes Dr. P and wants to use him for her baby tooth extraction that has to happen before the Orthodontist can continue the work. ... but I think.. with mail service and all that.. I should be able to get Kim in and out of Dr. P's office before the request for the records transfer gets to them.
Ah.. the beauty and wonder of the electronic age! I called Dr. P's office to set up Kim's appointment (I was able to get her in the next day, a friday). I was thrilled and thought I'd get off scott-free when the receptionist suddenly says..
Did I just see a request for Kendra's records to be transferred? .....
Me: umm. yes
Her: Is that correct? You would like us to transfer these records?
Me: umm yes.
Her: Okay.. we'll see you tomorrow for Kim.
I don't know why I was so concerned about having to say anything to them.. but most places are likely to ask why and try to resolve the situation. I guess I really just didn't want to have to get in a dialogue with them about WHY Kendra and I didn't want to continue with that dentist.
LOL I bet that was an uncomfortable few minutes there before you realized they weren't gonna bug you for reasons why! But really, I'm sure they would agree that any good mother would get a second opinion for their child when told they have 9 cavities and may need a root canal....all happening in one year!
hmm I think she was out of line for even asking you, good luck I hate going to the dentist.
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