Thank you Stacy for remembering my birthday. :) So far it's been a banner year for nice things. Besides the lovely e-card and mention from Stacy, I also got a audio greeting from Donny Osmond! I know, I know.. but the thirteen year old in me is thrilled!
My sister called me this morning to wish me Happy Birthday, and I got flowers from my dear friend Lisa. Paul left this morning on a teaser note, asking if I wanted my card today, or with the gift tomorrow (because of his schedule, we're celebrating tomorrow). I chose to wait for tomorrow.
I woke up feeling a bit of vertigo again today. Never did go to the doctor last time (or the time before that) so I really don't know WHY I get it. But it seems to clear up on it's own... guess one of these days I will have it checked.. I just don't know where on this busy planner I'm supposed to fit it in? Maybe towards the end of July.
Kendra drove us to the driving school today. The girls have classes through Friday and then they have their driving time with the instructor. Kendra seems to have a pretty good handle on things.. but I will say it seems she is having a problem with regulating speed. She's never actually speeding..but as soon as she hits the speed limit, she takes her foot off the gas and coasts. I don't want to be making too many corrections on her right now. I'm not so concerned about the speed anyway.. it's the situational awareness that I want her focusing on. LMAO.. she did fine until it was time to turn into the driving school parking lot. It's kind of a tight turn, but she was taking it rather wide.. and fast... I did yip out "Kendra!" at that point. I know, I know.. not a lot of help, just yelling her name.. but she got the car back under her control pretty quick.
I think I may end up going the rest of the way gray during this driving process! Thank goodness for hair dye.
Our summer is pretty tightly scheduled. Paul gets a break from TPS June 27-July 8. During that period we are going as a family to Disney World. We return in time for Kendra to have her surgery July 10. Between now and then, I have to get Kim to her orthodontist, Mac to the dentist, Kendra needs a new U/S and KUB before the surgery. Plus the driving that both girls need.
Somewhere in there I want to consult with an ENT doctor about finally doing something with my deviated septum. Apparently my snoring is getting worse.. and I know at least part of the reason is the fact that I can't breathe out of my left nostril at all. I'm hoping if I can get the consultation out of the way this summer, I can plan to have surgery in the early fall when the kids go back to school.
EXCUSE ME why did Donny Osmond call you???? Way cool.
Is it very wrong for me to feel BADLY you enjoyed a greeting from Donny Osmond? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! ~Mary
HAPPY BIRTHDAY...from me and Marie Osmond (she's going through a tough time right now) ;)
Happy Belated Birthday to you! I feel you with the driving, lol. I used to tease my eldest that I was going to grab one of those stickers and put it on the back of her car "WARNING MAKES WIDE TURNS". I would get the "Mommmmmm", LOL. Have a great day!
Happy Birthday girl I wish you all the love and happiness
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