Here's Kendra all dressed up and ready to graduate. Kendra has a very pale complexion to begin with, but I think our white walls are really washing her out.
Here are the proud parents with their graduate.
The sibling set, from left to right.. Kimberly, Kendra and Mac (Kim's slouching again <eye roll>)
The school made it VERY clear that we wouldn't be able to get up close to the stage to take pictures, but they did have a photographer to take pics of the graduates as they received their diplomas. I need to order a copy still.
The school had an awesome after grad party at the rec center on post for all the kids. I was really happy that we didn't have to deal with the whole after grad party issue. (the do we let her go because they might drink aspect).
Beautiful family.
I am so not even ready for all this........any suggestions on how to make em stop growing up? lol
Great pics, but I am sssoooo not looking forward to the start of graduations in my house.
cool, happy pictures!!
You have a beautiful family! Congrats to Kendra....
Great pics. I see what you mean about her fair complexion, but I bet it's the yellow gown. Yellow does that to so many people I know. What a wonderful day. Congratulations to the graduate! Wish you would have been able to get close to the stage to take pics, even if it was to the side of the stage.
That was a cool thing that the school hosted a party at the rec center. I can see where the drinking might be an issue with after graduation parties. Wish our schools did that here.
they grow up so fast I know project graduation is the best invention Paula loved it and had a great time... you look great girl love the pic's and your walls aren't so bad ....
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