This weekend Paul was in New Orleans. The TPS felt it was very important that the rotary wing guys had X number of hours in some kind of aircraft (this is when you know I don't pay enough attention to Paul) and they needed an end point for the flight.
Paul spent Saturday walking around the French Quarter, trying to find me a new Tarot deck that would kind of remind me of New Orleans. Everything he could find, I already owned.. LOL.. so no gift for me.
The girls and I went up to the "big" mall to do a bit of school clothes shopping and to meet up with Kendra's "boyfriend". He lives a couple of hours from us, so they don't get to see each other very often.
This mall has theatres with stadium seating (something we don't have in our small town), so I went to see Harry Potter for the second time. I gave Kendra and Kim some money so they could BUY SCHOOL CLOTHES while I was at the movie and they were waiting for the BF to show up.
One great movie later, I'm catching up with the girls in Hot Topic and discovering that BF only just made it. Traffic. So I mention I want to head over to Borders and the girls say "Oh, we've already been there... we bought $45.00 worth of books"
I say... "with what money?" (I already know the answer, but somehow you just have to ask)
They say (looking appropriately guilty) "the money that you gave us."
I said.."give me what's left.. NOW!"
I take the money and go off to Borders... It took a lot of self control not to say more. But these foolish girls (and the BF) follow me back to Borders. Apparently they want to be lectured... maybe that helps them not feel so guilty?? UGH!
I found a few books I wanted, and I told the gal pals that's the last time I trust them to buy their clothes without me.
Kendra says "But I couldn't find anything HERE that I wanted!"
So.. I had to say "THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU SPEND IT ON BOOKS INSTEAD!!!" (I didn't say that very nicely.)
Shortly after that, we drove home. BF followed us home and stayed the weekend. Kendra bunked in with Kim, BF used Kendra's room. He FINALLY left this morning.
Kendra had her dr.'s appt today to do all that last minute "back to school" health fun. We had her immunized with the meningococcal vaccine. Pretty startling statistics on that one. 1 in 10 people that contract meningococal disease die. So.. she's covered now (hopefully.. the vaccine only works in 90% of the people that use it. ) Still, it helps her odds I think.
The girls and I are still debating the best time to get the Gardisil vaccine (if at all) since no one is sexually active at this point in time. We're kind of playing that one by situation.
And last but not least... I have a date book. I try to put the important dates in there (like dr's appt.). Thankfully, the clinic called to remind us of Kendra's appt because IN MY HEAD I was thinking it wasn't until Friday.. but when I double checked my date book (before calling to double check), I saw that the appointment was indeed for today. Poor datebook.. it must feel a bit like "Why am I here, if you are not going to reference me a bit more often?"
Are you sure that was not my girls with you? lol could of been, because that is totally something they would do.
I have not been down to Bourbon Street since before Katrina.........OMG Lucky Dogs with EVERYTHING! lol and a Hurricane from O'Neals.
Good luck with the date book.......I have one calendar and it is on the fridge, so ya know I aint gonna miss seeing my appt. scheduled. lol
That's kids for ya! That's something my nephew would have done. My cell phone is my date book plus 3 other calendars. LOL
Sounds like you had a full day with shopping. I haven't even purchased school supplies yet, let alone done any clothes shopping for my girls. I can't wait for my next day off work to get started on it. You writing about the date book, reminds me I need to get a new one. (Thanks)
When we were away, we all took the boys school clothes shopping. PA just has better stores, sales, and lower tax, lol. But..every time we would go into a store, I felt like I had to grab the boys by the shirts to keep them from running off! One store I had to use the ladies room first, told hubby and my parents, to keep the boys there and come back and hubby and dad are looking confused, and poor mom's off trying to catch the boys, lol.
lol at your poor, lonely date book!!
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