This is a meme that I picked up off Joann's journal
"All about you and your needs" Google 'your name' and 'needs' and print the first ten results in your journal.
Sounded kind of fun.. and I thought with the way I spell my first name, it might be a challenge for the internet to find my needs... but.. not so much.. here are the 10 I found first.
1. Estela needs your collaboration, and she thanks you for whatever support you can offer. (I always need help, and collaboration, and I do appreciate the help.)
2. Estela needs some money to cover the expense of her new skirt for dance class. (well, I guess the secret is out, I dance.)
3. Estela needs 10 dollars for folk dancing lessons. (And now we know the kind of dancing Im doing.)
4. Estela needs residence in Guadalajara. (Apparently to get a scholarship... maybe for dance?)
5. When the clinic needed a receptionist, Estela fit their needs. (Yet another way to earn that money for my skirt and my lessons)
6. Estela desperately needs to submit the finished dresses to the manufacturer so she can get paid. (I obviously have many irons in the fire to make that money.)
7. Estela desperately needs Ana's help. (hear that, Ana?)
8. Estela needs a falda, a colorful skirt. (aha, back to the skirt thing again)
9. Estela's restaurant needs help. (many, many irons....)
10. Estela needs prayer. (between prayer and all the money making schemes, I may get my skirt and dance lessons yet.)
This was freakin hillarious!!!!
Can't wait to find out if you get that skirt. lol
I just did this!
Isn't it amazing what they come with?
Your added comments are FUNNY!!!! You had me LOL here all by myself!!!
Thanks, great way to start the day!!!
Take Care, and have a great week!!!
I haven't commented in your journal before but just had to share my google name is Vikki...Vikki needs a spanking...ah, no, I don't think so!
Yep...I definitely need to do this one.
LOL....I love your answers Estela!
I did this to, very intresting stuff....
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