Joann from Joann's Weight Loss Journey sent me these questions. From the Interview romp that has been seen here and there on Journals. :)
If you could be taller or shorter, which would you choose and why?? At 5'2', I'm amazingly content with my height, but if I had to choose, I would choose taller because it would be nice not to have to hem just about every skirt, dress and pair of pants that I buy.
If you didn't ever have to work again, where would you prefer to live.... the City, Beach, Mountains, or Desert? How about a city by the beach? :) I like my cultural entertainments that I can only seem to get in a city, but I absolutely love being close to water.
If you were suddenly banished from the United States forever, what country would you choose to live in?? LOL. tough choice. I think any place in Europe would pretty much fit the bill. I love all the travel opportunities I had there while we were living in Germany. But by order of preference, I'd say Ireland, France, Italy (southern) and Germany.
What's the best book you've ever read, did it have any affect on your life?? I love reading, and bits and pieces of every book I've ever read continue to float in my head long after the whole of the book has been forgotten. Each book that I have finished feels like the "best" book at the time. But if I am completely honest, the book that has had the most profound and lasting affect on my life is the Bible.
What was the scariest day of your life?? September 27, 1988...Our first born child, Kendra, at only 7 days old went into surgery for 8+ hours. It was the longest, scariest day of my life. It was the first of many more surgeries over her early years. But none of the others have been as long, nor as hugely important as that first one.
Im 5'2 as well so I know what you mean about the clothes! I buy short and they still are too long. I buy knee pants and they turn into regular pants for me...LOL! Great answers to your ?'s though. Having a baby and 7 days later it going into surgery must have been the worst experience! huggs, Robin
wow I don't know where to start to answer those questions .
Great answer about where'd you like to live. I'd want a city by the beach too!
NOT Miami however. Been there.
Loved your answers, Thanks!! I'm 5'2 1/2", since I'm so much taller = ), I've never had a problem buying pants that are too long, pants, jeans, capris, and shorts... no problems at all.... Hmmm, must be because of my WIDTH!!! LOL!!!!
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