Monday, October 15, 2007

Where did two weeks go?

I can't believe it's been two weeks since the last time I said anything (it certainly wasn't from a lack of things to talk about.)

So first some of the good stuff.  A month or so ago, I spent some time doing "detective" work on the internet.  I found addresses for two friends that I have lost touch with. One gal I found is one of my BF's from high school. She also married a military guy, so keeping up with the address changes can be challenging at times.  The other gal is one of the first friends I made when Paul went active duty.  We met while our hubbies were in Flight school and we had our first assignment in Germany together.  We stayed in contact up through 1996 and then several moves happening too quickly (for both of us) we managed to lose touch.

I sent out letters to both of them shortly after Paul got back from his field trip.  I thought about calling first but was afraid I'd freak them out it's been so long.. LOL. 

At any rate, Dawn (my friend from flight school) called me last week after receiving my letter.  We've been talking and catching up since.  They are currently in CA and getting ready to move to FLA about mid-08.  I'm so thrilled!  with us heading to Alabama, it will be easy-cheesy to visit back and forth again.

Now the funny news.  Last weekend we went to a Renaissance Faire in NC.  One of our favorite acts, the Tortuga Twins, selected Paul to be their "big bad wolf" in their retelling of the Red Riding Hood story.  It was hilarious!!  Paul got so into it with them and really hammed it up.  They gave him a squeaky toy and he had the audience rolling with his antics with that toy.  I think that Kim got some video, so I'm going to ask her to email it to me so I can add it into a blog entry... you all will HOOT !

Lastly,  we are on the serious countdown now to Paul's graduation.  60 days.  Paul and I are both going into serious diet mode for the duration.  :)   More later, I have to drive the college kid to school.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am no fan of "Renn Fests".  I went once and swore I'd never ever go back!!!
