I haven't heard from Paul since Monday... not an unexpected thing.. but I did write last night and was hoping for some sort of response.
As often happens when he's gone, things have been going haywire. My van needs new brakes.. I'm convinced of it.. so I'm driving his car now.. and the dang Check Oil light came on. I have an appointment tomorrow to take care of that... but the brakes are waiting until he gets back.
Kendra and I went up to Walter Reed yesterday to check in with her doc, Dr. Cartwright. We were crossing the t's and dotting the i's before we move from the area. Unfortunately, the exit plan includes AT LEAST two more trips up to WRAMC. Still, at least we'll be leaving here with a completely clean bill of health and/or a plan of attack for anything not "right".
Trying to get enough driving time under the girls' belts so they can test for their licenses before we move. Kendra is good to go, I think.. we just need the final certificate from the driving school so she can go and test. Kim may not be ready to test before we leave.. it's just been too hectic to get the hours behind the wheel that she needs. My goal with her at this point is to at least get the driving school certificate done so she has that in hand when we arrive in Alabama. I don't want to have to pay for that school again.
My friend's sister's biopsy results are back. There was cancer in ONE lymph node, but the rest were clean. She started chemo and radiation therapy today. The doctor is optimistic that things should go well. She has a lot of faith in her doctor and I think that is a good thing.
Oh girl I hope you hear from him soon and that nothing else breaks .. when do you think you will be moving ? I hope he will be home to help because you don't need to be moving with a van with bad breaks on your own.
I am glad that your friends sister had good turnout with the biopsy....yeah, only one lymph cancerous good thing(could of been so much worse...)
I hope you are able to get the T's crossed and the i'z dotted.
Aint that the way it goes though.......when the honey leaves stuff always ends up needing repairs.(I won't mention how things usually happen in three lol)
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