I'm sneaking away from my work for just a few minutes to say So long for now. Paul is taking the kids to the guest house because they have ceased to be useful in the preparation of the house for moving. They got their rooms done and did what we asked them to all day long, but now it's just easier if they are out from underfoot and Paul and I finish up the rest.
I still have a lot of sewing to do to finish up these Christmas gifts, but I think I will manage. The hard part is that I still need the sewing machine for a few more items and they are going to want to pack that up tomorrow. I may need to carry my machine with me at least for part of the time. Too bad they don't make a disposable sewing machine.
Well. .the other option is to cut bait and just buy gifts for the four ladies I didn't have time to make these runners for... It wouldn't be the WORST thing... And it would save me from any more sewing at this time. I can finish them up in Alabama and send them out ahead of next year so they get a larger amount of time to use them. I've almost got my self talked into that....
Hurry back!!! :)
I say buy the gifts.....lol anything to make life a lil simpler.
have a safe and wonderful trip and check in as soon as you can , I will miss you
You moving down here to Bama? Where? Hve a safe trip.
Your are invited to vist my journal as I travel thru jland Christmas caroling please click on the link below to hear the song I have chosen for you today .
I am Christmas caroling thru J-land. Click on the link below to hear my carol.
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