Thursday, January 3, 2008

Ponderous Questions

I got this from Joann's journal:

Joann's Weight Loss Journey

QUESTIONS to Ponder..........

1. If you could have the vocabulary of any person you know, who would you pick?    My own...I may not be able to spell all the words, and I may not always be grammatically correct, but I do have a huge vocabulary and am not afraid to use it.

2. If you found yourself at the Pearly Gates and had one chance to make your case for entry, what would you say?     For by grace are we saved through faith; and that not of ourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. ...

3. If you could sit and have a beer with 3 sports figures from anytime, who would you pick?  1. Joe Namath 2. Danny White 3. Cal Ripkin

4. If you could own one article of clothing from any film ever made, what would you take?   If I had known that I would one day attempt to answer such a question, I'd have been taking better notes at all these movies I see... hmmm.. Maybe an updated version of the white and green frock that Scarlett wears in "Gone With the Wind"

5. If you could have your license plate say anything at all, what would it be? O2BNPHX

6. If you could have been Judge Lance Ito, what would you have done differently?  Banned TV coverage

7. If you discovered a Shakespeare manuscript that no one else had ever seen what would you do with it?  Call a good attorney!  (I like Joann's answer on this one)

8.If you had to relate the most embarrassing experience of your life, what would it be?  I was kicked out of a bar once for being too drunk. This was after I had accidently spilled an almost full pitcher of beer on the pool table and accidently blocked the bathroom with my body. Luckily, I was too drunk to remember the more embarrassing details.

9.If you were to name the worst consequences of organized religion, what would they be?  A loss of the message.

10. Can you name a person who has taught you much about life, who would it be?  My parents... I cannot give credit to just one or the other, but because of their shared vision of parenting, we (my siblings and I) left their home with a good grasp of what makes life good. And believe is good. :)


Anonymous said...

Love your answers... thanks for mentioning my journal!!  #4 was funny, because I thought the same thing!! #5... you miss Phoenix already???  I wish I'd known you were there.... we could have met one of the many times I drove through last year.
I hope you love your new home!!!


Anonymous said...

Great answers........I can relate to numba one. lol


Anonymous said...

These were perfect answers!   Loved #2 especially