Sunday, July 20, 2008

I know what to get Paul for his birthday

Whenever I am sick, I have a hard time sleeping at night.  I'm not sure why this is... perhaps the dark feels more claustrophobic?  At any rate.... I stay up late watching anything I can find on TV (last night was a gore fest of  Dawn of the Dead, Rest Stop, & Room 6).

I mentioned in an earlier entry that I received a digital camera for my birthday.  Any pictures on this site since mid-June are courtesy of that camera.  Paul has taken my camera on at least one TDY flight event.  He's taking off with it again today for another assignment.  (He does ask permission first).  I've decided that this is what he needs for his birthday.  I really don't like being without my camera.

So, my shopping goal in the next two weeks or so (Aug. 15 is his birthday) is to find the brother of my camera for him.  And then I can be selfish with mine from now on..   I don't really share well.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure "Dawn of the Dead" has ever helped anybody get to sleep...  :)

Good movie, though.  I liked it better than the original.

When I can't sleep I watch the homeshopping jewelry channel with the sound off.  Those slowly spinning gemstones are hypnotic.


Anonymous said...

I don't share too well with Den either!  LOL