Saturday, July 26, 2008

TGF crappy cell phone service & a sisterly IM

Yesterday Paul called to ask if I wanted him to come home for the weekend.  He is currently TDY in Northern Alabama.  Originally this testing was to be done yesterday. Weather and a few unforeseen tweaks have caused the testing time to run into next week.  So, Paul was trying to be generous and ask if I'd like him to come home for the weekend.

During our conversation he mentioned that he would be missing the parents' meeting at the h.s. monday night. Up to this point, the conversation had been good.  I can't even tell you why, but realizing that he would once again miss something about the kids because of his job kind of pissed me off. 

I took a deep breath and started my dissertation of how awful it is that he can't ever seem to make any of these meetings, etc... when suddenly he says "Stel?"  "Stel?... can you hear me?"  I stop my rant.. answer back with "Yes, can you hear me?"   and then the line was dead.

I am telling you.. if it were not for the fact that my "land line" is a cable line and I couldn't call anyone immediately following that hang up.. I would suspect Paul of pulling the classic "I'm going into a tunnel and I can't hear you" ploy.

By the time I was able to reach his cell phone to leave a message... I was done being mad about what I (nor he) can control... I left him a message to come home for the weekend.

Of course, that means this morning is dedicated to making the house look a little less like "animal house" and a little more like a home. I forewarned the kids last night that I would be waking them around 10 am so they could help with the straightening up since they helped with the messing it up.

This morning I was on line reading emails and playing a game, waiting for 10 AM when my sister caught me in an IM.  It was kind of funny.. so I share it with you now:

Sister:  What is my sister doing?

Me: I'm playing a game, waiting for 10 when I can wake up the slaves.. I mean kids.

Sister: funny

Me: I know.. I'm just too cute for words..  what are you up to?

Sister: Did I tell you that they are splitting Lisa and me up at work?

Me: No.. what did you two do.. talk too much?

Sister: Nope, we were too they are breaking up the teams so there is one strong member and one weak member.

Me: Do you know who they are setting you up with?

Sister: Yes,  I'm going to work for Judge fillintheblank and Cesily. Cesily says we will make a better team than Lisa and I did, but I don't see how.

Me: Maybe Cesily likes to be bossed around?  :)

Sister: You're mean!

Me: (seriously LMAO).. LOL

Sister: I don't boss Lisa around... I manage her.. there is a difference

Me: (laughing even harder) LOL...

Sister:  I have to go now..

Me: LOL. okay have a good day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL re: your phone call. I've pulled that trick myself a time or to . but, uh, no. What I mean is I'm sure the phone just dropped the call ;)
