We have been using AT & T for our cell phone service since Cingular merged with them. Our experience has been good for the most part.
When we arrived here in Alabama with less than a year left on our service contract, we began comparing services so that when the time came to change, we could do so with confidence that we were getting the best deal possible.
Well... in August we decided to stay with A T & T, but we upgraded our phones, changed to Alabama numbers and added a few services. We also received a military discount for our billing. For our needs, we are getting a really good deal staying with A T& T.
I have always paid online and used paperless service.. no need to get a bill in the mail when I can see it all on the computer. Doing my part for the environment.
I figured our change would be relatively painfree... just add the new numbers to our account and drop the old numbers.. .right? Apparently.. NO.
Worse of course is that as soon as they created a new account, I could no longer access the old account. And.. oh by the way.. apparently I never updated our mailing address once we moved from Maryland.. OOPS.
I received two bills from A T & T this past week. The first was for the new account and it all makes sense.. I'm not thrilled that they couldn't have it posted on the internet on time (when I typically pay my bills), but at least it all makes sense to me. The second bill was for the old account... which we "closed" two days into the new billing cycle... (which I had paid in advance at the end of July). That bill was insane. I couldn't for the life of me figure out how we could owe so much on what should have essentially been a two day bill. Even with four phones, it was nuts.
I called A T & T this morning to find out what gives. I spoke with one rep for about 20 minutes going around in circles... First she's telling me that this is a LATE bill (late from when.. I have paid on time or early for two years... LATE FROM WHEN???).. Then she starts going into an explanation of how it's for the services we received from 8/4 to 9/4.. but this account was closed on 8/7.... I shouldn't owe anything.. or certainly at least not this much... then we start matching bills to payments... then suddenly she says.. let me get someone else to try and explain this to you. Enter Aaron... nice guy.. friendly voice... he makes it really easy to stay calm and controlled. But 30 minutes later, he still can't make me understand how I can owe so much for two days of service.
"Tell you what Mrs. Steele... you've been a good customer, you've paid all your statements on time... I can write this amount off for you.. It's a legitimate bill, but I can understand how our billing explanations can be confusing. I can hear your frustration, so I'm going to just take care of this for you."
Now.. I think I'm a pretty smart girl.. and frankly.. I'm still not understanding how my final bill can be so much if we pay to the future with A T & T... but since Aaron was so helpful, I now feel kind of bad that I'm not paying anything for that old service... But I really don't understand how we owe anything... I think someone was just tired of talking circles with me.
This my dalin is what me and Scott were arguing over.....I was right and he was W R O N G!!!!! lol (say it loud and say it proud...wrong!)
We were comparing cell plans and he was trying to tell me what I know I saw was wrong....until I pulled it up, pointed it out and he came back with "they must of changed it over night!"
It is all confusing.....don't feel bad over them doing a write off.(hell, I may have to call ole AT&T and play blank and see if I can get them to write off some of my own bill hehehe. I aint got no shame I tellz ya. NONE*)
That all sounds pretty bogus to me, Estela, and I'm glad they aren't forcing you to pay. Sounds like they didn't really cancel the account, which is they're fault! I'm glad it worked out in your favor.
If they keep talking in circles and can't explain it and you've paid, obviously, it's an error on their end. Luckily, they wrote off their "error".
That doesn't sound on the up and up to me.....glad you aren't being made to pay!
Pooh Hugs,
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