Saturday, March 25, 2006

About to blow a gasket!

My sister is supposed to come and visit us in May/June.  While she and her significant other were visiting my mom and brother in Phoenix last month, she asked my brother if he'd like to come along.  My brother said no.

Back at my mother's house, my spinster aunts came over to visit with Susan and Jimo. Jimo isn't coming with Susan to visit us because he hurt his back a few years ago and finds any tourist-y walking to be difficult.  With the cobblestones that cover much of the tourist areas here, I can imagine this would be even worse.

Anyway... my aunts come to visit and Jimo asks them if they would like to come with Susan so she won't have to travel alone. Adelina jumps on the opportunity.  Susan initially tells me this right after the visit home.  I was mad then.  It's horrid to say this, but I don't want my Aunt visiting us here.  I don't have the space to accomodate her and my sister.  She is a very critical woman, I don't want to hear about how I should be raising my kids this way or that way.  Have I mentioned that this four bedroom apartment is about half the size of any house we've ever lived in? 

At any rate.... Susan didn't hear anymore from Adelina, so we began making our plans for just Susan to visit. Today I woke up to an e-mail from Susan saying that Ade is really looking forward to coming here. ARRGGGHHH.. I think that Jimo should have to call her (Aunt Ade) and tell her he had NO business issuing an invitation to my house.

I probably seem really bratty making these sorts of comments, but seriously... I just don't want to be under that sort of scrutiny for two weeks.   


Anonymous said...

Precisely why I try to avoid having my mother come to my house!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully it will work out for you......fingers crossed.

Pooh Hugs,