Sunday, March 5, 2006

Pissed off at hubby

I know that this may seem incredibly heartless, but I am so pissed at my husband right now.

Facts:  He was originally scheduled to fly out of Afghanistan on march 4. 

Due to delays beyond his control, it was iffy that he'd get out on his scheduled time.

On March 1 he missed his last chance to be early when the 1st Sgt couldn't find him to take a flight leaving the next morning.

I receive an e-mail from Paul Friday letting me know that he has been delayed... and that the next set of transports will not begin until 10 March.

I tell my kids Daddy is not making it home this weekend, but maybe next weekend.  Lots of wails and long faces and general unhappiness that Dad has been delayed.

Today I get an e-mail in which Paul tells me that he gave up his place in line for transport to the other IP in our group because his young wife foolishly ordered non-refundable airline tickets and he's trying to get back here in time to be able to use them.  They have no children.  His young wife was an enlisted soldier when they met.  Frankly, she should know how some of this stuff works.

So... now the soonest Paul will be able to leave is 15 March.  Never mind that I had reservations for us that I am now going to have to change.  Never mind that this other couple have no children.  Never mind that my kids have been without their dad and having to deal with their psycho mom for the last 12 months.  Somehow, we are supposed to "pay" for the stupidity of someone else's wife. 

I know I'm being a brat, I know that I will get over this, I know that he will eventually at some point in the future come home.. that all delays etc will end... but dammit I am freaking pissed off at the moment that he didn't even run this idea past me before he gave up his seat.  And I am seriously pissed off at this "young" wife.. give me a break.. she should know better, she's been in the army, she knows how this crap works.

If I could throw myself on the floor and have a full out tantrum, I would...  If I had absolutely no self control (which unfortunately I do) I would call this girl up and tear into her for her foolishness and what it is costing MY kids.  Have I mentioned how mad I am?   UGHHHHHH....  

And I let Paul know too...  although, I was much nicer in my e-mail to him than I'm being here.. but I don't want him to think for a minute that this was okay.. I understand.. I will get over this.. but I am tired of having to be the "good Army wife".  It was his turn to come home.  It is NOT his job to suck it up because someone else's wife did a dumb thing.


And now I'm going to go buy myself a pack of cigarettes!


Anonymous said...

*hugs* you have a right to be mad... but after the initial anger subsides, remember that nothing happens by chance in this world. there may be a reason that he is supposed to come later. there may be a reason that the other guy should go sooner. also remember that old karma train... your husband put it on the right track. it's hard to be selfless when you're already sacrificing so much, I can only imagine how hard it is to be a military wife. my ex-husband's uncle was career military and his poor wife ended up dying of a stroke at age 41. just have yourself a cigarette, a nice glass of wine or whatever relaxes you and remember that good things come to those who wait.

you are an amazing person and you will get your just reward!

Anonymous said...

Girl let it all out - this isn't a matter of are you right or wrong to be mad - any woman would be upset at this and you need to vent, yell, rage and just GET IT ALL OUT instead of doing something distructive (Food or cigarettes!!! <g>) or worse yet unknowing hold resentment against him.  So come here, and to the chub club and just whine, bitch, moan, groan and complain and don't give it one seconds thought to if you sound like a brat or what people will think - we are all woman, we all understand because we would be feeling the same way.  And oh yes, young wife must pay for this.  <VBEG>  You come to the chub club today and we will cast a voodoo spell on her <G> when her hubby gets home he will be greeted by a wife wildly griped by PMS, cold sores, hairy legs, thinning hair, pink eye and a stomach virus - what do you think?  <wink>
Hang in there girl - it just gives you more time to get things done and be EVEN skinnier and of course even more sexy and drop dead gorgeous.  ;o)

Anonymous said...

Girl I would be screaming at the woman and the hubby so you are definitely a better woman than me! Hang in there girl maybe when he gets home it will make it just that much sweeter!