Saturday, May 6, 2006

The Long Road to Landstuhl

Today Paul and I were up very early to get on the road to go to Landstuhl.  This is the Medical Center that certain tests and consultations occur.  This is our third trip there in the last 4-5 weeks.  We have to make another one on Monday.... With luck, it'll be the last one we have to take for awhile.

Landstuhl is about 2.5 hours away from where we live. Paul and I have been listening to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix during the ride.  We have 2 CD's left and we will have completed the book. 

I think for Father's Day I'm going to get Paul the new Harry Potter book on CD.  He has a lot of cross country driving ahead of him when we get back to the states.

Landstuhl is near Ramstein Airbase.  This facility is where a lot of troops fly out of, as well as families.  This base has a Chili's on it!  A trip to Landstuhl inevitably ends with a meal at Chili's.  But don't worry, I order off the guiltless grill offerings.

This weekend there was a Turkish Bazaar at the Airbase as well.  We browsed through the offerings they had.  Lots of really neat things, but nothing I absolutely had to have except the Wine storage case.  I've been looking for one.. something small because Paul and I don't drink a lot of wine, but we do like to keep a few bottles around.  This cabinet was perfect.. it holds 12 bottles of wine, and has a rack that will hold up to 8 wine glasses.

Well.. it's late here and I have got to get to bed.  Tomorrow I will catch up the information about my "boot camp".   I'm pretty proud of myself thus far.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh.....I'm such a HUGE Harry Potter fan!! I've read every book twice, some of them a 3rd time!!! LOLOL! I can't wait to hear about your Boot Camp, it sounds like you have been doing good....That's really awesome :)

Pooh Hugs,