Monday, May 22, 2006

Monday Morning Stretch

The Ball was a lot of fun.  Everyone raved about the decorations.  The food was really good and the company was great.  Saturday night was everything I could want it to be. Lots of dancing with the husband.. too cool.

Yesterday we began the slow process of recovering the house from the frantic pace of last week.  We got the left over supplies cleaned away and we did the grocery shopping for this week.

Today I've been working on the laundry.  I've done 9 loads so far, have about 4 or 5 loads left, but the laundry room has become swamped with other people that need to get laundry done too.  So I think I'm finishing up the loads I have going right now and then I'll wait til tomorrow morning to finish up the last loads that I have.

This week we're getting ready for my sister's arrival.  She flies into Nurnberg on Thursday. I wish I could say I was really close to being done.... but really it's more like.. I'm really close to getting started on the housework.  Laundry will be finished and out of the way soon though.

I'm pretty excited about her visit.  We have quite the agenda planned... and I mean her and I... the kids and Paul are staying home and going to work and school while Susan is here.



Anonymous said...

Girl I'm always two loads behind on laundry!  No matter how much I do and how often...there always seems to be something else that needs to be washed folded and put never stops!  I"m so glad that the ball went well and that you two had a good time.  Enjoy your sister and just get done what you can...she came to see family not a spotless

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had a good time at the ball ! I can hardly read this though! LOL It is so small !

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a wonderful both deserved it :)

Your sister's visit sounds like fun, how exciting it will be to see her!

Pooh Hugs,