I believe that my "secret friend" is my neighbor downstairs in Apt. A. A lovely woman with four children and another on the way. They are also Army and her husband is currently attending the school that Paul will start at in February. I don't know 100% for sure, but she had the "I'm hit" picture on her door earlier last week. I was curious what it was about... LOL.. and now I know.
So.. as I mentioned in my last entry, while I was at Walmart last night, we picked up some things for the goodie bags I'm going to distribute this afternoon. Kimberly helped me make the selections.
In picture one, you can see the assortment of goodies we selected. Each person will get a mug and two packets of hot chocolate, Halloween socks, 3 cookie cutters with an autumn motif (two leaves and an acorn), a small plastic cupcake filled with Dove chocolates, and a scented candle.
In picture two is a picture of the ghost that comes with the bag. You are supposed to stick that outside your door, so that you don't get struck again (can you imagine having to make more than 3 bags??). I stuck mine up tout de suite!
In picture three, you see ... lol. .some of my bedroom around the edges, but you also see Smokey giving her approval to the bag and all the accessories now hidden in the tissue paper. Each bag will contain a copy of the ghost and this poem:
Good Evening
Since this is the time of goblins and bats,
Halloween Spirits, ghosts and cats,
These are the things I wish for you.
May the only spirit you chance to meet,
Be the spirit of love and warm friends sweet.
May the only goblin that comes your way
Be the neighborhood phantom you'll want to give away.
So by tomorrow, pick three friends sweet,
And give them all a Halloween treat.
You only have one day so go with speed.
These are the things you're going to need.
1. What could be better,
Make three copies of the ghost and this letter.
2. Post the ghost on your front door
So he will haunt you no more.
3. Pick three friends or neighbors to haunt next
And put your phantom skills to the test
4. Deliver a letter, a ghost and a treat,
Give a hard knock then turn quick on your feet.
It is better giving than receiving
We all know this is true.
So show some love and have some fun
And remember, the PHANTOM is now you!
I think that's such a cool idea!! I wish I would have heard of it sooner...I'll have to try to remember it for next year...Remind me, would ya?? :) I wonder if there is something like that for the upcoming holidays...Thanksgiving, Christmas...that would be a neat thing to start in my neighborhood...I don't "know" many of my neighbors, but I do know there are several moms home during the day...I can imagine it would brighten anyones day! :)
I think it is a great idea too. I am so jealous that all I have around here are the neighbors that hate us - remember the pink flamingo? lol Sounds really great.
That is a great idea! I was thinking of doing something of the sorts for Christmas around my office or maybe through J-land....just a thought
The gifts are lovely and I am sure that the receipents will love them!
What a cool idea, I have never heard of a secret friend for halloween,.... MaryAlice
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