Well... , I didn't make the best choices for food as I could of yesterday. Kendra and I had to go to Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Wash, DC.
WRAMC is a big hub of medical activity for the military community. It is a teaching hospital and a lot of people are sent there when smaller Army community clinics cannot handle a medical need. Also, this is where a lot of injured soldiers arrive and have (among other things) rehabilitation. Because of this, WRAMC has several snack bars, coffee shops and food spots all through the post. As you first enter the doors, there is a Dunkin Donuts. I haven't had a Dunkin Donut in 3 years. They smelled so good. But we did not indulge immediately on our way in.
Kendra had an ultrasound scheduled for 8 AM, for us that meant being on the road by 5:30 AM ... and even at that we were a few minutes late (I hate DC traffic). The ultrasound and waiting for the radiologist to read it took 2 hours! The report was good and the technician (female)... was so nice.. she really went out of her way to make Kendra as comfortable as possible. And she said the nicest thing to me. When she saw Kendra's DOB on her chart, she looked at me and said..."you do not look old enough to have a daughter that is 18!"
Then we had to head up to Urology to speak with the doctor that is in charge of Kendra's care. Another long wait there. We finally see her at 12:00. We go over the ultrasound results with her, talk about a few of our concerns and then we are told that they are expecting us in pre-op at 1:00pm... so we should grab something to eat and head up there. We went to the Cafeteria and I should have had salad, but I was so convinced that I could be home in time for a good, healthy dinner.. that I decided to go with the hamburger and fries....And water to drink. now how cool is this? With the interest everyone has in fitness, AND considering the number of military personnel are probably in the "fatboy" program.. the cafeteria lists calories, fat grams, and fiber on all their basic food items. So I know for fact that my burger was 375 calories and that my serving of fries was 250... so not too terribly bad.
Well.. heck.. apparently the pre-op thing is kind of a "free for all".. and while you may have an "appointment" that does not mean that you will be seen in a timely manner. I had my first taste of "Kendra is an adult now and she must learn to fill things out and she must be the one to sign her forms". That was a bit humbling and bizarre. The head nurse laughed and said "I know, Mom, at home she's still "pumpkin", but out here in the real world, she has to do the signing. " OY.... shot through the heart.. but at least I could laugh about it.
We finally hit the last "station" to the whole pre-op thing at 5:30 pm. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT>??? She had to have paperwork, have labwork, have an interview with the anesthesiologist, discuss the procedure with the nurse, etc, etc, etc.
Well.. once again, it had been so long since we ate that we were STARVING!! and still looking at a 2 hour drive home minimum. To prevent further delays, I drove through McDonalds and grabbed burger and fries. Luckily... I only like their small hamburger and I kept to the small fries. I would have gotten a salad... but well.. you can just imagine the mess in the car.
Even that probably wouldn't have been too bad. But then because I had to take no-doz to stay awake on the road both that morning and that afternoon, I was buzzing pretty late last night, so I ended up eating a granola bar AND a skinny cow fudge pop.
Bringing my total calories for the day to 2000. No exercise and way too much sitting around has me feeling very bloated today.
So my plan to correct this is to have a lower than usual calorie day, and drink a lot of water. And walk two miles. I'm hoping that by weigh-in tomorrow... my weight will NOT be too far off from what it's been.
I know that feeling..........not having to sign paperwork for my daughter to have medical care. It's weird. At one time, my dad and hubby was seeing the same surgeon. I had filled out the paperwork on both of them. On the next visit, I realized that I put my dad's DOB on my hubby's papers when they were calling to schedule a procedure. They said he looked too young to be 72. ROFL Pre-op stuff always turns into a day long thing. Today's a new day to start over. Don't ya just love it?
Awww, honey...you had a rough day, you need to give yourself a break. You have the right attitude, you just get right back on track and put the past behind you.
My oldest just turned 18 in August and I am having the same "you can no longer sign for her" pangs. Talk about SCARY! How can they be so old already???? (lol)
That was SO much to deal with in a day. Give yourself a little break, I mean really. I'm glad to hear the Kendra's ultrasound went well.
I hate WALTER REED and will be glad when they close it down to military families and etc. Since they are dealing with a lot of injured war heros, that is what the word on the block was. I went there with my grandmother for her appointments, she had 1 at 8am and the other at 10am. We got into that 8am one at 10am, and I walked down to let them know and they moved her appointment to 11:30am, got there at 10:45am and was not seen until around 1pm! Hell I could have just kept that 10am appointment and be seen at 11:30am...I am hungry, pissed and now she has to get medication! What the hell! That pharmacy is so freaking slow...it took another 2 1/2 hours to get her medicine and I live in VA!!! I will NEVER do that trip again. I was gone from 5:30am until about 6:30pm that night and I had to be to work the next morning which meant waking up at 5am.....all the complaining that I did that trip, my parents know not to ask me to do Walter Reed ever again! But I am so glad that things gone done for Kendra...I know you are happy that your Walter Reed experience is over for now....Oh yeah and dont even get me started on the time that my mother took my grandmother for her appointment, they admitted my mom because of her high blood pressure and she was feeling dizzy..they kept her for 3 days and couldnt figure out why she was experiencing the high blood pressure. Months later my mother's face started drooping on the left side...SHE HAD HAD A STROKE AND THEY DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE IT...I was too thru with that place after that...How can you be so dumb that you don't recognize the signs of a stroke!?!?!?!
Sounds like you had a really rough day. Hope everything is ok with your daughter.
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