Wednesday, December 6, 2006

11 days and counting

We are practically to the countdown to when Paul will be home again.  Granted, it will only be for about 5 weeks and then he's off to two more TDY's, but both of those will be very short ones.  What is awesome about this homecoming is that he will be on "casual" status at best and will be at our beck and call for four of those five weeks.

I am just so looking forward to having him home again.  Every time he goes away, I am reminded of just how difficult raising kids alone can be.  My heart and my respect goes out to all those single parents out there that do all that I do AND have to provide the financial income as well. If I am anything to go by, trust me, your kids will realize this one day and thank you profusely.

It has been my habit to write my mother a love note each Mother's Day since I became a mother.  (My dad received one too while he was still alive).  And every time I think that I "get" what it is like to be a parent, my kids move into a new age category and I am reminded once again of what I must have put my parents through during that same stage. I can never thank them enough, but I sure do appreciate all the hard work and love they put into the "making of me." As my husband says,  I am nothing, if not the best parts of them.

Well, clearly I am feeling the love this morning.  Yearning for Paul's return.. knowing that it is so close and yet it still feels so far away.

Does everyone's kids have such a short Christmas break this year?   Our kids only have 6 days off (not counting the weekends) this year.  That seems just so darn short.   We are staying put this year for Christmas, too short for us to go home.  But Kendra is getting her first "grown-up" adventure during Christmas week.  We are sending her to her aunt's house for 6 days, so that she can visit her friends from her first high school.  They have kept in touch over the years and with all of them graduating this spring, it seemed like a good time for them to get together and celebrate.

Well, that's what is on my mind this morning.  


Anonymous said...

It's great that you'll get some good, quality time with Paul over the holidays!  Great thoughts this morning, too... Parenting is quite a matter how frustrating it gets at times, our kids always have a way of showing us that they love us and it makes all the hard times more than worth it...  :)


Anonymous said...

I'm glad your hubby will be home with you over the holidays.  I was a single parent for many long years and every day seemed like a challenge, lol.

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine having to run the house and take care of the boys by myself.  You've managed to do a great job and hold everything and everyone together.  It's going to be so nice to have hubby back at home again.  Enjoy you're time together and make sure you give him a *honey do*
Hugs, Angie