Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday as day one

I have recently received the new Leslie Sansone Program.  It is called SLIM WALK.  It comes with a total of 4 DVD's (in three cases). There is a 2 mile walk, 3 mile walk, 4 mile walk and a strength/stretch workout.  She issues a challenge to all her regular walkers to "walk a meal off" each day.  I have decided to take her challenge.  For the next 13 days, I will be walking either the 3 mile walk (with the strength/stretch workout) or the 4 mile walk (and follow that up with the Bean abs).  I will be alternating days. 

I am using my 224.5 as my beginning weight for this and I will be finishing up with a final weigh in on Feb 3.

Today I did the 3 mile walk (a very fast walk) and the Strength/stretch workout.  I  know that there are many people that find Leslie a bit annoying after awhile.  I will say that I like this new set so far.  And this is another DVD that is set up to allow you to hear just the music if you prefer it that way.

I'm feeling really motivated right now, so I know that this next few days on this program should be easy-cheesy.


Anonymous said...

keep it up!!!!

Anonymous said...

Love that positive attitude....keep up the good work :)  I'm pulling for ya!!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

good for you estella I am so happy for you , have a great on plan day

Anonymous said...

Good morning Estela...  I am sorry I haven't been around much, this year has started off busy for me....  sounds like you are on track with your walking and dieting...  I am so glad to hear it...  I wish I could say the same....  I can't even tell you when the last time I went to curves was...  I know I am still paying for it, so I have to get my ass up there.....

Hope you find what Kendra is looking for in furniture...  Teens can be so finiky....  I have missed you

Anonymous said...

Those walking programs are a great workout! I tried it once and felt great after! BUT I felt so wierd walking and walking and walking and not getting anywhere!!! rofl!!!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE (to hate) Leslie, lol.  I credit a lot of my earlier weight loss to those tapes.  They are awesome.  Glad you like them.