Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Where's the Motivation? and my late christmas gift

TOM arrived Sunday  morning at my house.  While he was walking in the front door, my motivation to stay on track snuck out the back door.  It was subtle... I didn't notice at first that motivation had gone...but when I realized that I had already managed to eat out three times since Friday, it became clear that I was in the hands of something hormonal. <sigh>  I'm doing the best I can and hoping that by the end of the week, motivation and TOM will trade places.  We'll see.

Cover of Book IFor Christmas this year, Mackenzie gave me the next installment of my favorite PC game Might and Magic:Dark Messiah.  Of course, Mac seldom thinks about checking to see if the program is compatible with our computers. And.. since my computer is so old and this game is so new... there were compatibility issues. 

 My knight in shining armor, Paul.. came through with a brand new computer!  And while I think it's really cool that I can play my new game.. what really has me excited is that with this purchase, I can officially kick everyone off my computer.... even Paul! 

 For the first time ever.. we all have a functioning computer and we are all able to sign onto the internet from our respective computers.   Wow!  For me .. this is as exciting as when we first became a two car family. :)  The freedom!!

Of course, it's gonna take me awhile to reconfigure everything the way I like it...and transfer a few files from my old computer to this new computer.  I'm hoping that later, Paul will be able to upgrade some of the stuff on the old computer.... otherwise you know eventually Mac is going to get a new game that needs my computer's capabilities to be able to play it.  And I am gonna just have to learn to say "no".


Anonymous said...

I love presents like that!  Mine is only 2 yrs. old and I need a new one.

Anonymous said...

What a great gift!!

Anonymous said...

What a great gift.....your very own space!!! :) I know what you mean about finding the motivation, I struggled with it for a few months. But hang in there because eventually, it will find you for good!! YOU CAN DO IT!

Pooh Hugs,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations honey I know how exciting it is to get new toys I want one now hubby better watch out ......
the motivation will come back it just like to hide every once and a while stay focus it will get you there....

Anonymous said...

A new computer!?!?! That is wonderful!  And don't worry about that motivation although I love your analogy I was at working cracking up.  You are going to get it back!  this is our year girl...so jump in the FCKIR's challenge and get moving!


Anonymous said...

HelloI'm new to J land and just starting my weight loss journey! That's so cool you got a new computer! My kids want on so bad I feel like such a computer HOG! lol I like games as well! For awhile I was playing World Of Warcraft and Toontown! Now I am kind of into The SIMS 2!!! lol I LOVE COMPUTERS! Stop by sometimes! We could support eacjother in this pain in the botty battle!