My time in denial was bittersweet. I could eat what I wanted when I wanted and no little voices nagged me. Unfortunately, the lack of nagging voices allowed me to pile on a few more pounds. All during April I intended to be out of denial and back to working on my weight loss goals. But somehow, it just never really quite happened.
On May 1, I finally took the bull by the horns and made my way to a local WW meeting. Now I've done WW before online and by myself. But I've never done the "go to a meeting and be accountable" way. I decided it was time I did something that I think will be more positive.
I have a new starting weight (233), not thrilled..but so glad that I have finally nipped the upward trend in the bud. I enjoyed my first meeting to some degree. Since I went to a noontime meeting, there were several women with very young children. The very young children couldn't quite grasp the fact that their mothers wanted them quiet. But what really got me... there were grown women that should know better talking over the leader! OY! My mistake was sitting in the back of the room, so there was a lot of noise between the speaker and me.
I'm going to give this noontime meeting one more chance, but if it's just as noisy and disrespectful as this one was, I'm changing my meeting time. What I'm not going to do is stop going. I want to give this a few weeks to see if this was the boost that I needed.
The best part is that now I'm motivated to fill out my daily tracker and plan out menus so I'm not left in the lurch with no plan. You know the old saying ... "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail." Well.. I plan to succeed this time, so that means I have to plan!
Well, amen to that! I think lately I've been planning to fail, and you've reminded me that I can get out of denial, too!! Thanks!
it is so easy to do this , and I am so glad that you are back on track I know you can do this and we will do it together one day, one bite, one pound at a time.
Good for you. I know when you see the weight start to drop it will motivate you even more.
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