I nearly killed someone today. But no one seemed particularly interested in giving me a target! LOL. Frankly, I'm pretty proud of myself that I didn't take out the not so innocent.
We arrived home last night/this morning at 1 AM and we were all in bed by 1:30. Paul, Kendra and I were up and out the door again at 8 AM because we had to do the final pre-op stuff at Walter Reed (a 2 hour drive from our house). All went well until we spent three hours in the pre-op clinic. Finally I started hunting down someone that could tell us how much longer it was going to be. I suspect that we had been forgotten (along with another family... we were the last two sets of people there at 4 pm).
FINALLY!!! released at 5:10 pm and then we had the two hour drive home (through DC traffic). We arrived home at 8pm (okay, so there was a quick dinner break....we didn't get a lunch!)
The vacation was great.. I'll tell more about those shenanigans later... Just wanted to stop in and say "Hi" and vent a bit about the long (much too long) wait at WR. I want a job there, so I can light a fire under a few of those asses.
What a day. I'd have been pretty mad about being forgotten! Glad this day is over for you....and that you didn't have any targets. lol
What a long day! I can see why you could have killed someone! LOL
I feel like going on a psycho rampage daily. My self-control is intact....but for how long?? ;) Glad you're back.
Walter Reed certainly does not need any further negative publicity, sheesh! I can't believe they made you wait that long, but then again, I can. My friend had to wait three hours to be told she'd be better off going to a commercial hospital off base because it would be several more hours before they got to her. Health care really is a mess!
Welcome back girly......can't wait to hear all about it.
Who needs a target....just start firing away at anything and everyone, is my way. lol
girl I know how you feel , I think they all get paid by the hour and the longer you wieght the more money they make ... vent all you want ...
Glad you're back from your vacation.
As for the super long wait you had, you held it together better than I would have. For some reason, I don't do well in waiting rooms.
I can't imagine having to wait all day long to be seen. Next time, take a little sign with you that reads: "have they got rid of the rats here yet?" That might speed things along for you...lol...
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