Monday, November 12, 2007

20 question once a month meme from Dawn (she promised)

Dawn has created a new 20 question survey.  The questions look pretty good, so I thought I'd play along.

1. What is one movie you know all the words to?  I don't know all the words to any movie, but my favorite line comes from "The Truth about Cats and Dogs".... "Nothing that an AK 47 and a tower couldn't take care of"

2. What is the last thing you bought for yourself? two quilting magazines

3. If you could be stranded on a desert island with someone who was really attractive or really humorous who would you choose and why?  At this point in my life, someone humorous. Being stranded on a desert island is going to take some humor.

4. When you look at a person what is usually the first thing you notice about them?  How they hold themselves is usually something I notice. People with very open body language are the ones I tend to be attracted to first.

5. What is the meanest thing you've ever done to someone?  Betray their trust in me

6. Do you prefer to dress up or wear comfortable clothes?  I love the opportunities to dress up.

7. What's your most embarrassing moment?  Thankfully, my most embarrassing moment occurred when I was too drunk to really remember it well.

8. Are there any quotes you really love that you think apply to life in general?  Eleanor Roosevelt "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

9.  What's one dessert you've loved since childhood that you still like now?  Chocolate cake

10. Is there any significant event from your childhood that you believe has effected you today?  There was a bullying incident (I was neither the bully nor the bullied) that happened when I was in 8th grade. I stepped in to protect the bullied girl. The bully backed down. That was pretty significant. I learned that I had the power to change things.

11. What is the last song you caught yourself singing?  I've had the phrase "this innocence is brilliant" from one of Avril Lavigne's songs running through my head since Saturday night.  

12. If you had to cast someone to play you in a movie who would you pick?  Janeane Garafolo

13. Do you have a list of books you haven't read yet?  I keep a list in my head of books I want. It's not very efficient and some books get stuck on that list for a long time (poor memory recall in the book stores).

14. What are some of the one's on your list?  Lean Mean Thirteen by Janet Evanovich,

15. Who do you consider your role model?  My mom and dad... They taught me how to love and they did a pretty dang good job of it.. because without the ability to love.. what else is there?

16. Is there anything you would change about yourself physically?  LMAO.. where to start? My temper, my weight, my nose... in that order

17. What's the best piece of advice you've ever gotten?  two pieces of advice I received have been incredibly useful over the years.  The first came from my SIL when I was dating Paul. "Jealousy is a wasted emotion. If he doesn't want to be with you, being jealous is not going to keep him."

The second I learned from a spouses class I received in the early days of Paul's Army career. This was a class on group dynamics. "Ten percent of the people you meet are going to like you no matter what you do, ten percent of the people you meet are going to NOT like you no matter what you do. The rest can be swayed by the majority."   Odd as it may seem, this released me from any need I felt to please everyone.

18. What's the worst piece of advice you've ever been given?  To accept that some things just happen.

19. Is there anyone from the past that you'd like to see again?  There are a ton of people I'd like to see again from my past.  Just to SEE you know? But I think the one I miss the most is my best friend from high school. We haven't talked since 1993.

20.  What's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you?  After Kendra was born and she was in the NICU in Wiesbaden before we were med-evaced back to the states, my dear friend Janelle would enter my house every afternoon and start a meal on the stove for Paul and I.  We would arrive home, tired, confused, and hungry and there was something hot and smelling good every night.  I'm not sure that we would have eaten at all without her care.


Anonymous said...

good answers .

Anonymous said...

Come to think of it I do know quite a few lines from The Truth about Cats and Dogs  as well and I joke frequently that I am Abbie.  Maybe Janeane wouldn't have been a bad choice for me either but since I'm in my 20's kinda hard to picture her playing me!  Good answers.  -Dawn-