I have about 40 minutes to kill before the girls and I go to Alexandria for a ghost tour (we're gonna also take pictures at the cemetary, hoping to find some more orbs.) Thought this might be a fast fun way to kill a little time.
Meme: 5 Things...
A. Found in my room
A. Found in my room
1. boom box
2. Paul's "love me" wall
3. My cutting table
4. Chinese Apothecary Cabinet
5. two small bookcases filled with books
B. I have always wanted to
1. Take Ballroom Dancing lessons
2. Finish my accounting degree
3. Have more kids (because three just isn't enough)
4. Live by the beach
5. Live closer to family
C. Found in my Bag
1. cell phone
2. wallet
3. key to my mom's house
4. gum
5. receipts from weeks ago
D. Found in my Wallet
1. Driver's license
2. Military ID
3. Cici's frequent buyer card
4. credit cards
5. library card
E. I am currently into
1. Making gifts for Christmas
2. The Ranger's Apprentice
3. Getting all our appointments made before we move
4. Sorting through all the clothes
5. the National Symphony Orchestra
F. Non Family/Friends Phone Numbers in my Cell
1. Paul's work
2. The Driving Instructor
3. The High School
OK, Your turn (if you haven't already done this!!)
Loved reading more about you!!
Have fun today,
So many memes are floating out there and I can't make myself do them. Arrrggg
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