Russ had the most fabulous idea. He thought I should have Paul answer the mate questions and post them here as a "guest blogger." I sent the questions off to Paul and he so very kindly answered them. Here is his note...
1. Who is your mate?
My high school sweetheart, Estela
2. How long have you been together?nearly 30 years
3. How long dated?4.5 years
4. How old is your mate?
47 by years, 30 by beauty, 20 when she giggles
5. Who eats more?me
6. Who said "I love you" first?
Close enough to be simultaneous
7. Who is taller?me
8. Who sings better?her
9. Who is smarter?
somethings her, somethings me
10. Whose temper is worse?
11. Who does the laundry?
12. Who does the dishes?
13. Who sleeps on the right side of the bed?
14. Who pays the bills?both
15. Who has bigger feet?
16. Who has longer hair?
17. Who is better with the computer?me
18. Who mows the lawn?me, when we have one, her when I'm gone
19. Who cooks dinner?her
20. Who drives when you are together?
21. Who pays when you go out?me
22. Who is most stubborn?
23. Who is the first to admit when they are wrong?
her, when it happens
24. Whose parents do you see the most?
25. Who kissed who first?
I kissed her first
26. Who asked who out?
she asked me out
27. Who proposed?No one, it just happened
28. Who is more sensitive?
she is
29. Who has more friends?
she does
30. Who has more siblings?tie
31. Who wears the pants in the family?
His answer to question 4 was smoooooth! You owe him something special when he gets back! ;)
Alright thats it!!! I am soooooo going to have a talk with my hub because of your hubs answer to question #4!!!! Now why cant I have a hub that knows the art of smoothness (however you spell that)?LOL! You have now inspired me to have the hub answers these questions just so I can then tell him Paul's answer to number 4...HEE/HEE!!! Hugggs, Robin
WAAAAH!!! I WANT A HUBBY LIKE PAUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!!! I LOVE #4, he's good!!!!
Ok, he really did good with that age question......good man*
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