Thursday, November 8, 2007

Who needs divorce when you have military separations?

Paul headed out yesterday for his 10 day whirlwind flight exercise in France. 

Before he left, he managed to shrink everybody's red clothing. Perfect timing on his leaving if you ask me.

By the time he gets back, I will no longer be steaming about this. I will also have instituted a "don't let Dad do the laundry" policy in our house.

And do you know.... he actually tried to spin that situation so it was somehow my fault?  LMAO.

I reminded him as he was leaving that gifts from Europe are always welcome.  Think the hint was strong enough? Guess we'll see how strong his survival instincts are. <evil laughter>


Anonymous said...


If it was my husband I'd say he shrunk the clothes purposefully so there would BE a "no letting Dad do the laundry" policy instated!!!!

Hope you get some great gifts and your Hubby has some safe and fun flying!!

Anonymous said...

I am the only female in a house of 3 males.  The ONLY time any of the males are "allowed" to touch the laundry is to take it out of the dryer and fold it, lol.

Anonymous said...

That military must have saved a many of marriages lol
I wonder if they would consider taking on a volunteer? hehehe


Anonymous said...

oh honey you crack me up I don't know how you do all you do , thanks for helping protect our country