I've moved up to a desk top, although not my desktop. I'm using the kid's desktop which was put together early on in this adventure.
So... I am at the tail end of a cold. Kim had a cold while we were all in Phoenix and she shared it with Kendra. Kendra was sick during our drive to Alabama. On Jan 1, I shared a drink with Kendra, thinking I probably wouldn't pick up her cold (I usually don't). Apparently, now I do. So I started feeling bad a couple of days later.
My experience with colds has always been the same. First I am stuffed up and sneezing, then my throat is sore and it's hard to swallow for a couple of days, finally I cough. The last two or three days I spend coughing to the point that my chest starts to hurt. No fever, so at least there's that. I'm in the coughing stage now, hopefully by the weekend I'll be done.
Having this cold has made me very difficult to live with. I don't sleep well at night.. I'm not sure why that is, but I spend the nights wandering around the house and then sleep most of the day. I wish I could say that at least I'm productive at night, but I really haven't been.
Smokey came home on Monday. She's been staying at various kennels during our move, poor thing. We brought her home on Monday. I thought she'd be a bit pissed for a day or so, but after that she'd be back to her usual self.
She's an older cat (14 yrs) and I think this may have been just too many moves for her. At least that is what I am hoping. She has not eaten since she's come home. She did a very small amount of exploring when we first let her loose, but now she's confined herself to Kim's room, the litter box, and the kitchen.
She is still drinking and urinating. We tried offering her "treats" to see if she was just being a pain, but nothing has enticed her to eat. She seems completely disinterested. And she hates my new bed, so she hasn't spent one night with me since she's been home.
Anyway, we're taking her to the vet this morning. I want confirmation that there isn't really anything specific wrong with her. I'll keep you posted.
Poor Kitty. Sometimes it takes pets a while to acclimate. Hope you have a speedy recovery....
poor smokey I hope she gets to feeling better , glad to have you back ..
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