My doctor told me to stop having intimate dinners for four. Unless there are three other people.
- Orson Welles
My sister arrives in two days. I haven't done a thing all day today, but I blame it on the excessive beer I had last night. On the plus side, beer makes me a very happy drunk.. on the down side, beer makes me think that if three beers are a good thing, then four would be excellent, and five would be awesome and .... well.. I think you get the idea.
Got on the scale this morning and I was down 2 lbs from yesterday (and yes.. I know it's the dehydration that comes with consuming too much alcohol), but it still looks good to see on the scale. :)
Okay... time for me to start doing SOMETHING useful around this house. I complained when Paul was always home, under my feet, getting in my way and giving me excuses for not getting my work done. Now he's back to a "regular" schedule.. and I miss him.. UGH.. there is just no happy medium.
NOw you sound like me girl! I co the same thinga and cojmplain when SMOE is here underfoot but as soon as he is gone I'm lonely ! LOL I'm glad you had a good time with your friends ! Making memories is what it is all about !
I had to give up any kind of alcohol when I developed the Diabetes....but at least Marv can have a couple of drinks when we go out for dinner and he will always have a designated driver :)
Loved the joke.....and the FABULOUS weigh in. I wouldn't be too sure it will all go away, ya never know.
Pooh Hugs,
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