Last night I wrote the most witty entry. All about morning routines and my four mile walk (four days in a row in my new exercise program. WOO HOO)... and then AOL or journals.. ate it. So I wrote a very succinct entry, hitting the highlights... and AOL or journals ate that one. Frustrated, I turned off the computer and went to bed.
Ah well. Here's the condensed version. I did my four miles at 5 AM yesterday. Kendra was having side pain (a typical sympton for her for bladder infections) so she stayed home and saw her doctor. Paul will be home tonight around 9 pm. He leaves again on Sunday and he rented the compact. :)
Don't you just love it when that happens I get so mad I go to bed too..
I'm with you and Sherry. I always go to bed when I get frustrated with my computer. WTG on your exercise. Keep it up.
You are doing great Estela!! Keep up the good work...Im tempted to purchase that DVD as well...
Have a great one
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