Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Breaking out of the rut

I have been dealing with a bout of vertigo.  I think what I hate most about it is that I never know when it's going to hit.  Paul keeps telling me I should go see the doctor, and I probably should... but when???  Seems I always have something else that is just a little more pressing.

Last night I laid out my clothes so that I could be sure to do my exercising this morning... or at least be dressed for it.  I woke up almost an hour ahead of my alarm clock and since I don't like that feeling of just falling asleep when it finally goes off, I got up.

I walked two miles this morning using the WATP (Walk Away The Pounds) 2 mile fat burning walk. 

Up to now, our winter has been pretty mild, but according to Tom Kierein at the Channel 4 News Weather Center... it's over (the mildness, that is).  We are expecting cold winds to start cooling things down here in our neck of the state by afternoon. 

I know that a lot of states have been getting some awful storms and I think this is that weather front moving into DC/Maryland.

Today, Paul gets back into "work" mode here.  He has survival training this week.  And then we are back to our "who's Paul" status as he takes off on Sunday for two more TDY's (one in Penn. and one in AZ).   I think he's due back here on Feb 3.



Anonymous said...

Vertigo is no fun.  It laid me up for 4 mos. literally.  Good job on already getting exercise in.  I just can't get motivated emough to do upon awakening.  LOL

Anonymous said...

hang in there honey I think you are doing great and you hang in there it will pay off ......

Anonymous said...

My vertigo seems to go hand in hand with my stress level, but a Dr can give you something to help you sleep until it passes.  Great job on the workout.

Anonymous said...

If your vertigo doesn't clear up, you really should see a Doctor to make sure you aren't deal with some underlying problem. Usually, they can treat simple vertigo with drugs, they gave me a great one and it worked like a charm and eventually went away. Hang in there!

Pooh Hugs,