Saturday, January 20, 2007

My Post so no one thinks I've been kidnapped.

So how did it go?  Did they kidnap you and not let you come home?  If you don't post over the weekend I am going to think they got you drunk and put you in uniform and sent you off to war! <g>
Hey how's the vertigo?
Comment from fatbegonestacy - 1/19/07 6:58 PM


Lunch was very interesting.  There were about 20 women and 10 small children there. The best compliment I got was from Holly, who in one breath asked "where are your kids, you got a sitter, how smart!"  LOL... and when I told her that mine were all too old to require a sitter, she responded with "NO WAY!" And when I told her... oh yeah, way.. I have a (soon to be) 14, 15 and 18 yr old, She once again responded with "NO WAY!.. you don't look old enough!"... She's my new best friend.. LOL

     A curious thing has slowly been happening since 1984, when Paul first went full time active duty.  We slowly moved from usually being the youngest couple to suddenly being the oldest (or one of the oldest) couple.  I'm finding this view from the top to be rather curious. I'm also finding that lots of people want to know if my three teens  babysit.. LOL.  Kendra and Mac do.  Kim won't.  She doesn't like being in charge of young kids and she doesn't like being in other people's empty (sans adult) houses after dark.

My two week weigh in was yesterday and I was at 224.5, which if memory serves is down 3.3 lbs. YAY ME!   Next weigh in is 2/2/07.

The Vertigo is still with me.  Since no one has school on Monday (end of semester), I'll probably call the clinic Monday morning and see if I can get an appointment.

Paul leaves on Sunday to go to Pennsylvania for a week.  He's learning to fly yet another helicopter. <eyeroll>



Anonymous said...

Paul is coming to see me? <g>  Cool I'll make dinner.  ;o)
Well I'm glad they didn't kidnap you and that you found a new best friend, lol.  Now I can tell you are choking a bit on saying you are one of the "older couples" - that doesn't mean you ARE old, so don't give it a second thought and enjoy your time as Queen Bee, you paid your dues over the years and you deserve your position of royalty.  <G>
Have a good weekend -

Anonymous said...

Good job on your loss!!

Anonymous said...

lmao I remember when I realized I was one of the oldest in a group and it sucked till I realized I had already been thru what they were facing and I knew a lot more and it kinda made me feel great so hang in there no sitters no diapers this is the life . lol
hugs from another ole fart to you

Anonymous said...

It's funny how that age thing happens to us isn't it? Well, just look at how much status you have as the "older" couple....they'll all look up to and respect you <VBG> Good for you for another 3.3 pounds off.....congrats!  Now go get that vertigo looked at so I can stop worrying :)

Pooh Hugs,