Saturday, October 29, 2005

Trick or Treat through J-land


Welcome to my page for Halloween.  .

We celebrated "trick or treating" tonight (Oct 29) here on Stork Barracks.  The kids were out and snatching up candy as fast as their little legs could carry them.  (the neighbor kids that is).  The community had a haunted house set up, which I heard was pretty intense, but I did not attend.  I don't much care for people jumping out at me.

Now that my kids are teens, they tend to celebrate a bit differently.  They dress up ( their costumes are much scantier now) and they go to a few houses to trick or treat and collect up their friends.  This year, they hit the haunted house after the trick or treating and then they went to the movies. The movie was "Skeleton Key", which I thought was a perfect movie for Halloween.

In our stairwell, all of our neighbors sat out on the front stoop and passed out candy from there to keep the kids from having to climb three flights of steps.  We drank mulled wine and ate bratwurst while admiring all the costumes.  All in all, a fun but quiet Halloween.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


My hubby asked for the girls' sizes and measurements so that he can pick up some local fashion for them.  Kendra is very much like her dad, she has a very slender frame and long limbs.  Kimberly, while being much taller, has a similar body build to mine.

I can't count the number of times I have wished to have either of their bodies, but especially Kim's because I think it would be easier to maintain.  Anyway, in taking her measurements last night, I realized her waist and hips measure the same as mine did when I was 17 years old.  The irony comes in knowing that when I was that size I thought I was fat!! and  how much I wish I was that size now.

Why is it that as females, we seldom are satisfied with our bodies?

Tuesday, October 4, 2005

Counting Down

Weigh in: 219.1


Taken 10/4/05

  Chest: (under the boobs) 39.5   Waist: 41.5   Belly Button: 43.5   Hips: 49   Thigh: 28.25   Calf: 19.25   Neck:15.5   Biceps: 16.75   Forearm: 11.75   Wrist: 7.25   First Goal is October 14.