Saturday, July 9, 2005

Mother In Law

I have always thought that my mother in law and I had a pretty decent relationship.  Guess I was just fooling myself.  I don't know.

Prior to our arrival in Phoenix, she wrote to my husband in Afghanistan asking that while he was in Phoenix, we stay at their house. (both my mother and his parents live in Phoenix).  I agreed when Paul asked me. Usually we stay at my mother's.  In the past she has had more room for all of us to stay there.  The one time we stayed with Paul's parents, they put Paul and I on a twin bed to share! (Paul is 6 ft 2, and I was chunky at the time).  It was a hoot, uncomfortable as hell and I vowed I wouldn't stay there again if I couldn't at least have a double bed.

Anyway, this time I agreed because they have moved into a larger home and actually have a guest bedroom. 

So during my second week at my mother's, my friend Lisa came into town to visit (she lives in Ohio).  Towards the end of the week, I asked my MIL if she could watch the kids one morning so I could take Lisa to the casino with my mom and my aunt.  She (the MIL) said no... her other son and his wife were visiting for two days.  No biggie.  I was a little disappointed, but really it was my own fault for forgetting that M and his wife would be in town.  I said nothing about it in my emails to Paul because it was not a big deal. 

Well, (so sue me for being nosy), I got into Paul's email account today and there is this long note from his mother whining about how she hasn't heard from me in a week (she knew I was coming up to Colorado to visit my sister), and she hopes that I understand she didn't want to watch my kids when her son and his wife "who's only visited twice since they got married and only had two days in town." I had not mentioned it at all to Paul because frankly, I did understand, it was not THAT big a deal to me, and I don't think that he needs to be worrying about petty stuff like that.

Now I don't want to stay at her house.  UGH. I'm half tempted to bring Paul back to my mom's house for at least the first couple of days he arrives because my mother tends to give us a lot of breathing space whereas Paul's mom wants to plan every moment of our time when we are with them. But I'm gonna suck it up because this is not worth the fight.  I'm just regretting that Paul, the kids, and I are not going to really have much time to reconnect as a familyduring this break.

Wednesday, July 6, 2005

Traveling about the country

Been in the U.S. now for over three weeks.  While in Arizona, visited the Grand Canyon and Sedona. I am now in Colorado Springs, visiting my sister.  I go back to Phoenix on Sunday and then Paul arrives sometime the week of July 11.  I am so looking forward to seeing him.

Weight has stayed the same. Not much new in that department.